Season Three

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Happy news. We have successfully finished season two. I had to put a few things out there. I have a love and hate relationship with season Three for several reasons. But it's also one of my favorite seasons to write.

Charlie and Steve are going to have hella lot of romance this season, with a side of pining and angst from Billy. I'm dying to write all the fluff I have planned out for them. And can you tell Max is my favorite stranger things character? She's the absolute best and I love writing her bond with Charlie.

Let's get started with season 3.

Let's get started with season 3

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Maya Hawke as Robin Buckley

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Maya Hawke
Robin Buckley

A snippet into the life of Charlie Hopper in  summer of 1985, Hawkins, Indiana

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A snippet into the life of Charlie Hopper in  summer of 1985, Hawkins, Indiana.

Charlie felt kisses being peppered on his exposed shoulder and neck. He smiled before opened his eyes and tilting his face to his boyfriend.

“Good morning baby.” Steve hummed, placing another kiss on his boyfriend's cheek.

“Morning, Stevie.”

“Do you wanna sleep in? I was going to go down and make breakfast.”

Steve was dressed and his hair was damp. Charlie noticed it was still pretty early. They had graduated weeks ago and sleeping in had become a habit. Especially when Charlie spend the night.

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