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TW : Self harm and Eating Disorder.

Sunlight streamed in through the white curtains in Steve Harrington's room. Charlie squinted his eyes and opened them slowly. Steve was lying on his chest with hakilf his weight resting on him. Charlie smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"Morning baby... We have to get up." He ran his hand up and down Steve's back. Steve only melted further to him.

Charlie tried to get out of bed but Steve held him tighter. His arm wrapped around Charlie's waist and and a leg thrown over his. He mumbled something and buried his face in Charlie's neck. Charlie laughed.

"We have work today, you can sleep in later." Charlie, with some effort, wiggled his way out of bed. Steve grumbled something and went back to sleep.

Charlie sighed. He started pulling on his jeans.

"Steve, love, I swear if you don't get up right now, you're going to be late and you are going to get fired."

Steve groaned and raised his head to look at his boyfriend with a scowl.

"I hate you." He muttered as he tried to shake off the sleepiness.

"That's not what you said last night." Charlie smirked and went around to open the curtains wide.

"You're really grumpy in the morning, you know?" Charlie walked back to the bed and sat on the edge.

"Guess... You're really rubbing off on me."
Steve said trying to lean in for a kiss.

"In more ways than one." Charlie said diverting his face and kissing Steve's forehead. Steve pouted.

"Come on, let's shower." Charlie said getting up.

"Together?" Steve asked, siddenly enthusiastic.

"Yes, Steve, together." Charlie rolled his eyes and walked into the bathroom. Steve hurriedly tumbled out of bed and followed him.

Charlie was making scrambled eggs while Steve made their coffee and toast. Charlie was wearing his white tank tucked into his blue jeans and Steve had to pull his eyes away forcefully.

"And done. Don't burn the toast Stevie." Charlie raised an eyebrow.

Steve looked away and gulped. He placed the toast in their plates and started pouring the coffee. Charlie smiled and came up behind Steve. He wrapped his arms around Steve's waist and placed a kiss on his shoulder. Steve smiled and sighed contently.

"We're going to be late." Steve said, wiggling out of Charlie's grasp with a sly smile.

"Riiiight." Charlie rolled his eyes and went back to the scrambled eggs.

They ate in silence for a few minutes. Then Charlie spoke suddenly remembering something.

"Oh... Isn't Dustin coming back from Summer camp today?"

"Oh yeah... I totally forgot." Steve said with his mouth full. He swallowed and took a sip of his coffee before continuing
"Should we like...go to his place."

"Not today. El and the rest are planning some surprise for him. I say we let them have the day."

Charlie drove Steve to the mall. He went to the pool for his shift. Heather was getting off in five minutes and he started to change. Someone cleared their throat behind him and Charlie turned around abruptly. He sighed, annoyed.

"Didn't mean to startle you." Billy said.

Charlie replied with a wave of dismissal with his hand.

"I... I wanted to talk to you." Billy stood nearer to the locker. Charlie looked up at him for second.

Unhinged | S. Harrington| B. Hargrove | Stranger Things  Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu