The Tragic Adventures of [Y/N]

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Chapter 1

The Continent of Ishgar, Earthland's eastern continent. Rival to the western continent of Alakitasia. In two words, Ishgar is peaceful and adventurous. Depending on the country, you would never find any countries fighting in a war against each other, unless they were provoked. The last war that engulfed the entire continent ended 400 years ago. You see, this was no ordinary war between kingdoms. No siree. It was a war of supremacy between Gods, Demons, and Dragons. A long, long time ago, man learned how to perform magic from the Gods, but they grew greedy for power. For generations, the Gods watched as humans used the magic they learned to take over the world, at the expense of others. One day, they had enough of just sitting around, waiting for man to change his ways. So, they did it for them. An archangel who served as Spokesman for the Gods named St. Michael sent an army of man-eating demons from an ancient dark guild called Tartaros, as punishment. For centuries, the demonic army raided and plundered cities and towns in their path, killing men, women, and children alike; until a hero stopped them using Elemental Devil Slaying Magic. This hero was you, [Y/N] L. Gorbachev. You were born in the Kingdom of Pergrande to an ancient family of nobles from a distant land beyond the eastern border with Ishgar called Russia. 

Your parents were killed when a platoon of demons attacked your hometown, killing all who lived there except for you. You were lucky, because you were out of town for the holidays that day. Since you discovered your parents' death, you've trained tirelessly in improving your body strength. As you wandered the kingdom in search of a teacher, you found one in a middle-aged man, who was riding a carriage to the mountains of Alosi, in the Tsardom of Iceberg. He gave you an ancient codex made of papyrus from Egypt. He said it was filled with a ton of magic disciplines to choose from. You were interested in using magic designed to slay a demon, so your teacher taught you 悪魔退治マジック.  You were a small child when you started learning this magic, but it wasn't long until you unlocked a special state that granted the user the magical power of demons. Your teacher dubbed it, "デビルフォース". Afterwards, you only had to master Royal Devil Slaying Magic, which you did in only one year. So, you were now a Devil Slaying master, which meant you had to say goodbye to your teacher. Meanwhile the demons responsible for destroying your hometown had raided a village near Alosi, so you decided to chase them. Using a surprise attack with your Devil Slaying Magic, you've decimated this army of demons to extinction. Only one month had passed since you avenged your parents and you heard rumors of a battle between Demons and Humans at a valley near the border with the Kingdom of Bosco. You went to check it out, then joined on the side of the humans. After 3 hours of intense fighting, the demon army was completely wiped out and the humans were victorious. St. Michael descended from Heaven to bring a message from the Gods. It was a cease-fire agreement where the humans would promise not to use magic for selfish reasons, in return for peace. For months, the people of Ishgar celebrated your victory in this war, but you were gone too soon. They say you were asked by the King of Fiore, the King of Pergrande, and the King of Joya to send an important and confidential message to the western continent immediately. On your voyage to Alakitasia, your airship crashed on an island straddling the boundary between the two continents. They say your body was not found in the wreckage, so both Ishgar and Alakitasia reported you as "dead". But little did they know, you were stuck in a cave for 400 years...

To be continued.

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