Ο ευνοημένος βασιλιάς (Πρόλογος)

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After years of conflict, Ishgal and its neighbour across the sea, the continent of Alakitasia, began a new period of peace. Every country on the eastern continent and around the world recognized the new communist authority in Iceberg, as did its close ally, the ASSE (communist Soviet Empire of Alvarez). As a result, a balance of power was established between the two socialist countries and everyone else, which was maintained by the United Nations, a peacekeeping organization. It was established after the war to help countries settle issues amicably before resorting to military force. Iceberg and the rest of the continent had rebuilt tighter diplomatic connections than ever before, thanks to the United Nations.

To formalize the agreement, Supreme Leader Vladimir Lenin signed a treaty with the King of Fiore-Charles I and the Count of Seven-Gawain X, promising mutual support if their sovereignty was threatened. Soon after, the heads of all of Iceberg's kingdoms signed on, followed by Supreme Emperor Ronaldo I. There hasn't been a war in Ishgal since, owing to the kingdoms' mutual respect for one another's authority. International law required them not to try to exert influence over their neighbours or allies. On paper, any country that violated the law would suffer hefty economic repercussions from the United Nations. In actuality, however, they lacked the authority to adequately enforce it because the UN was still in its infancy at the time.

As a result, the leaders of all the kingdoms in Ishgar assembled in Fiore's capital of Crocus to debate a resolution that would enhance the UN's diplomatic powers and establish a legal arm to prosecute countries that violated international law. After months of back-and-forth, they agreed to authorize the establishment of an unbiased international court known as "The International Criminal Court." The United Nations was now powerful enough to implement its regulations protecting their national sovereignty. Fiore, Iceberg, Seven, and Alvarez were the four basic founders, and they each had veto powers to prevent a law from being ratified at each meeting of the UN's bureaucratic body, the General Assembly. Each kingdom in Ishgar sends one delegate to represent their concerns to the UN Headquarters in Era Town, Fiore.

Everything seemed to be going swimmingly in Ishgar until the Boscan delegate loudly condemned the concept of Fiore serving as the UN's headquarters. He expressed his dissatisfaction with the state of the railway system in Ishgar, therefore the Assembly convened to debate the new headquarters. They eventually agreed to open branch offices throughout Ishgar while maintaining the status quo in this regard. Finally, Bosco was satisfied. The UN delegates convened again in Era three months later, on Memorial Day in the year X690, to discuss the railway infrastructure in Ishgar. After months of intensive deliberation, the UN agreed to pump a 30 billion dollar subsidy into reforming Ishgar's railway network. In the near term, Fiore and Bosco were the first countries to rebuild their railways connecting Crocus and Vockerode. Previously, the railway track rusted away since the existing railway company, Ishgar Railways, went bankrupt. The firm's owner declared bankruptcy and sold the track to a smaller railway company after decades of neglect by the Treasury Department in both countries. Commuters' waiting time was reduced by six hours, from nine to three.

It boosted the revenue that the new proprietors were able to collect from the train fares that the average traveller paid to go between Fiore and Bosco. All of this was made possible in part by a significant increase in commuter satisfaction, which led to a desire for more commuter trains as well as railway lines connecting neighbouring kingdoms. Previously, the lines linking Crocus and its inner suburbs only reached the centre of Vockerode. However, the corporation spent billions of dollars expanding them into the adjacent suburbs. Fiore was not left behind, as the railway was expanded to include the outskirts of its capital city, Crocus.

King Charles I approved a deal that extended the line of railroads further into Bosco, but he was pressed by Crocus environmentalists to alter a clause that forced the railway company to build trains powered by diesel rather than coal. By this stage, mining for coal was becoming increasingly difficult because practically all of the mines in Fiore and Bosco had been depleted. Following the decline in demand, polluting steam engines were replaced by clean diesel engines, resulting in significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. The modifications satisfied the environmental activists who sought for clean energy to power the railways, but they were paranoid. Charles had reached the age of retirement and needed to do so for his health. He had an heir in mind, but he was opposed to the reforms he was enacting. To block his coronation in Parliament, liberal conservationists formed the "Green Party," which was vigorously opposed by Charles's heir, who formed his own conservative party called the "Blues." The two competitors frequently fought for a majority in Parliament, causing the old king a considerable problem. Finally, Charles put his foot down and ordered that the two rivals agree or he would be forced to temporarily suspend Parliament. When political parties constantly discuss solutions to political concerns and focus on undermining their opponents by harsh barbs, the King had the authority to close Parliament if he desired and had just cause. Charles essentially threatened to ban both parties unless they agreed to a settlement under a 30-day timeframe he set.

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