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I sat in my car thinking.
I packed up a lot of our things before they arrived, at least the things we need. I sent Noor and Nura theirs because I have no where to keep them.

Thankfully Nura and a close friend of his rented a house so he's keeping Noor's things as well. I had to tell them what happened and it took hours of begging to convince Nura not to leave school, I just hope he listens because he can be so stubborn.

I'm staying at Nadia's for a while but her husband is coming back in two weeks so I'll have to get a place before then. And the only good part of my life, Akbar, he's been so busy with a new investor we haven't been seeing each other.

As I sat in the car I couldn't help but cry.
I didn't know where to start from.
Getting a house isn't so easy when all the houses close to my workplace are so expensive.

I have no idea where to start from.


I huff staring at my phone.
I got an apartment.
It's just a bedroom, kitchen and bathroom and that's more than enough for me but it's too far from work.

Nadia joins me in the living room.
"How's the house hunting?"
I huff "It's harder when I'm always at work, so I don't get to see the places personally"

"I'm sorry babe. I really wish you could stay but I know he wouldn't agree because he gets uncomfortable around guests"
I shake my head "You don't need to apologize. You were here when I needed you most"

"But your Uncle is really an animal, how could he do that to his niece, that's just really wrong"

I huff "I know, it really shocked me"
"The world is really scary, especially for women. It's so sad that we're always seen an the prey because we're weaker and we depend on men to protect us"

I nod "It really is sad"

She smiles "Have you spoken to Akbar?"
I shake my head "I've been unable to. He's been so busy with signing an investor that we haven't met. And I miss him, I can't deny"

"You mean since that day he chose you over that woman?"
"What do you mean he chose me?"

"Obviously that woman has a thing for him, it's so obvious and if you think about it she's superior to him but it was like she was begging him and he told you to stay. I think he likes you, he's done everything that proves it"

"You think so?" I ask getting excited.
"I do, that's the only logical explanation, don't you think?"

I nod "Well, it does make sense. But if that's the case why hasn't he come see me?"
She rolls her eyes "You two have only known each other a month, is he supposed to put his contract on halt for you? It doesn't make much sense. Just let him finish up, he'll come back. I promise you"

I nod.
"But I think you should tell him about your condition"
I shake my head "I don't want it to seem like I'm begging him"

"Come on. He knows your history, your whole story. Make it seem so casual, like you're turning to him during this difficult time in your life. That's it"
"And then what?"

"He might help you get a place? Isn't it worth trying?"
I shake my head "I'm not too sure of that one".

"Okay but I think you should. I'm not telling you to stop looking for it and depend on him but keep looking and saying it won't kill you, will it?"

"I guess not"


Hanifa called me to her office.
I really wonder why, I really do.

I enter and close the door.
"You called for me?"

She nods as she walked over.
"How are you doing this fine Morning uhh—sorry what's your name again?"

"It's Safina"
"Yeah, Safina. How are you doing this fine morning?"

I nod "I'm okay Ma"
"Good. I asked my secretary to get me coffee and I ending up throwing it out. Are you trying to poison me?"

I shake my head "No, Ma. I didn't make the coffee today"
"But one of your workers did, did they not? So you did it"

"No, Ma. I'm sorry, I'll go make you another"
"Oh please" she says irritatedly "I don't know what kind of potion or elixirs you put in Akbar's coffee but I'm definitely not taking it. If not for the fact that he'd be annoyed if I fired you I would have but I was told your contract here is just for 6months. Immediately those six months are up I want you to pack you waka and go. I hope I wouldn't have to disgrace you"

I nod.
"Now pack your filthy body and get out. Out!" She shouts at the top of her voice.

The moment I walk out everyone just kept staring at me.
"Laura!! Come and sanitize my office!" She shouts.


I sat in the gazebo in the garden outside the office. It's a small garden fenced beside the parking lot. It's gorgeous and windy because of the trees, I really don't understand why people don't come out here.

It's beautiful, with different flowers.
I've been sitting here for over an hour and the half. More than half of the cars in the parking lot are gone.

The garden reminded me of my mother, she loved flowers so much and they made her so happy. She'd go crazy if she saw new and different species and she'd get them no matter what.

I huff.
Things weren't easy but we were contented.

"You good?"
I raise my head and see Akbar looking at me worriedly.
The moment I saw his face, it was like all my problems melted away.

I smile "I'm great"
"Can I join you?"
I nod and scooch for him to sit.

He sits and huffs "I'm sorry I haven't been there for you lately"
I shake my head "It's fine really. I know you're busy with work"

"Just two weeks apart and you look like a completely different person"
"How so?" I ask curiously.

"Well—you've gotten thinner and you look more depressed than you did when I first saw you. It makes me worried".

I smile "You don't need to be"
"But I can't help myself".

I huff "You were right about Uncle Hadi"
I nod "Yeah"

He looks at me curiously "What did he do?"
"Well, he gave me an ultimatum. Either I sleep with him or they collect the house from us"

He groans "So where are you staying now?"
I huff "At a friend's but I'm looking for place. Unfortunately I need to get a place before her husband returns in a week"

He huffs "And I've been looking for a chef"
"I barely go home because I'm currently alone and also there's literally no food. And I have a BQ if you're fine with staying there"

I freeze.
"I see you freeze a lot"
I nod "It's a thing"

He smiles "So?"
"I'm not so sure"

He huffs "Look, I know it's hard for you to trust me especially after what that man tried to pull but I'm not your Uncle and I have no ulterior motive for it, and I swear, as God is my witness I will never touch you, ever"

I stare at him.
"But I'm not forcing you, if you don't want to then that's fine too"

"No" I say abruptly "Okay, I'll be your chef and if you want I can clean and do anything else"

He smiles "Calm down, I have someone to do all that for me. I just need you to help save my life, I don't want to starve and also I'd like you to help someone how to cook".

I nod.
He smiles "Nah"

I think it's him, he's probably embarrassed to say it.
I wanted to thank him.
In a matter of a few weeks this man had made me depend on him so much, would I be asking for too much if I said I want to marry him?
I don't think so.

But I want you marry you Akbar Abdulshaheed.


When Love Lasts.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें