Cross Country Ken

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"Whelp... I think I'm all set!"

Stacie raised a sarcastic eyebrow and thumbed towards Ken's car with a smirk, "You think you got everything, bud? Did you forget anything? We do have a kitchen sink that isn't packed yet..."

Ken looked at his overflowing Jeep, full of boxes and bags in the trunk and backseat along with the surfboard on the roof rack and the two bicycles attached to the rear hatch with a bright smile. He chuckled and nodded, patting the ponytailed Roberts girl on the shoulder.

Skipper walked over as she messed on her phone, half paying attention to the events in the driveway and half to her Match Mutt investor's email. When she got closer, she removed her eyes from her screen and smiled at the boy who was on cloud nine.

"Whoa baby! Yeah, I'd say if you put one more thing in there, you'd have a literal clown car, Ken"

He was moving to New York.

After an amazing finish to the road trip with his now girlfriend, he was privy enough to accompany Barbie on the three-month-long world tour along with Brooklyn, Rafa, and Jacinda. Traveling around the world had been a literal whirlwind and the best, most incredible experience he could ever have in more ways than one.







And finally, back home in Los Angeles just in time for Christmas.

And all supporting the love of his life.

It was amazing for Barbie to end up on the world tour back near her hometown, performing for her loved ones and friends. And Ken had been by her side the entire time.

Now? As Barbie had flown back to New York a week ago, it was now Ken's turn to make the cross-country trip (again); however, this time he was on a straight and narrow course to her on the East Coast. Granted, he would be sure to see some of the sights, but he was in less of an urgent predicament to spend as much time on the road as possible...

He and Barbie were officially an item...

"Wow... I... I just can't believe this is actually happening"

Ken turned and saw his mom come forward, peering sadly at the vehicle that was packed full of her son's personal items. He heard her sniffle once and wipe away a tear. He smiled kindly to her and walked over.

"It's alright, mom. I'll come visit again, you know I will. It's just college, by the way. Who knows if it's permanent"

She sighed shakily and reached up to "hug" her son... the word 'hug' was used loosely. It was more a choking alligator grip. Edna squeezed him tightly, so much so the point where Ken's eyes nearly bugged out as his oxygen was becoming cut off.

"Now, you're going to call every day, sometimes twice a day! I don't care what time it is; you give me a call. Do you hear me? Make sure you use your inhaler and your allergy meds; you never know what the city air will do to your lungs... And make you sure you study hard! College starts in two weeks and you need to be ready to go!"

Ken grunted, starting to feel a bit lightheaded as his mom's neck-cracking strangle held tighter. He grimaced into his smile. He eventually croaked out an answer.

"Uh huh"

"And make sure you eat good food! I heard the pizza is amazing, so you don't need to stock up on all that—"

"Oh, for crying out loud, Edna, would you let him go? You're making his lips turn blue"

Mrs. Carson's eyes flew up in abashed embarrassment, relinquishing her son's neck from her stranglehold. Ken gasped for air and straightened up, breathing in deeply, much to the humor of the Roberts family off to the side.

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