A Barbie by any Other Dream is Still a Barbie...

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Moral of the Story: Individuality

A miscommunication and misunderstanding leads the Barbies to an argument about individual goals and dreams... What they come to learn is that despite having a lot in common, each human being is an individual and must be celebrated and honored.


"Ugh... get this; one day in and we already have a test coming up! Isn't that nuts?"

"Wow", Barbie winced sympathetically to her boyfriend's downtrodden face, "They didn't waste any time, did they?"

Ken laughed hollowly at his first biology class syllabus in his hands, "Nope... they sure didn't", but then he looked up with a hopeful smile, "But it'll be good! I just need to study a lot. No biggie. I love this stuff! Kinda bummed that NYU doesn't have a marine biology program, but that's what grad school is for! Anyway, how did your first class go?", he asked, putting the paper back into his bookbag.

Barbie shrugged indifferently as she picked up her mug of coffee, "It went well. Music theory. I'm excited for it, really. But..."

"But?", Ken urged, leaning his elbows further on the diner's booth table.

His girlfriend sighed, replacing her mug on the table, "I just wish Brooklyn was with me in the classes. I mean, it's cool doing things by myself, don't get me wrong, but it'd be a lot better if I had a study partner who was going through the same things"

Ken smiled and took her mug-free hand gently, "Well, I may not know as much as you in the music department, but I can definitely quiz you. Plus, she's your roommate. When you guys have some downtime in your recordings, you can ask her to study with you. And remember, Daisy and Nikki were thinking of transferring out this way in the Fall! You'll have more of our friends out here to help you through it."

Barbie grinned, tilting her head at him affectionately. She gripped his hand tighter, loving his thumb caressing the back of her hand.

"You're right... It's going to be OK. And Brooklyn is supportive, I'm sure she'd help me study. But for now? I think I'm ready for another cup of coffee"

Ken laughed and nodded, "How many is that for us?", he asked, studying the inside of his own empty mug interestingly.

"Um", Barbie thoughtfully peered at the ceiling, "I stopped counting at four", admitting wryly.

As they both enjoyed their good-natured ribbing at how much caffeine they were consuming, the blonde East Coast transplants mentally prepared for a full semester of courses. But as Barbie sat and listened to her boyfriend order another round of Joe on their lunch break, she thought back to the debacle her and Brooklyn had about college...



"Wooooooo Hoooo!! That's my girl!"

Barbie blushed and beamed at her boyfriend's boisterous exuberance from the front row section. Their Berlin concert was nearly completed, and Ken was by far the loudest cheerleader of them all. He had always promised to be, and on the touring circuit, he came through with flying colors and then some, showing more enthusiasm and fanboyish charm than anyone nearby.

Some of the fans that didn't know any better thought he was crazier for admiring the blonde backup singer rather than the main star, much to Barbie's chagrin.

But alas, the world tour needed to end at some point.

Three more stops left... Tokyo, Sydney, and then finally Los Angeles.

An hour away from home.

All their family and friends were planning on attending, showing the hometown star a taste of supportive love.

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