Miscommunication Mayhem

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What if Barbie and Ken had a fight? Even the most perfect of couples have arguments... how would they handle it?


"So, if you're here by 5:00, you'll be right on time. No showing up early, okay?"

Barbie giggled at her phone screen as she strolled down the street to the recording studio early that late-May Thursday morning. She raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"No hints? No clues?"

Ken shook his head and mumbled his refusal, "Nope! You'll just have to wait and see", he finished with a teasing wink.

The blonde man was planning on surprising his best girl with a wonderfully romantic night in. They had gone out often enough for dinners and lunches and breakfasts, taste testing the many cultural flavors of their new city. However, what Ken and Barbie hadn't done much of lately, oddly enough, was cook themselves a meal other than just a handful of times. Sure, they cooked separately. But together? Nope!

It was something they always did together when they lived back in Malibu, but with the hustle and bustle of their new life, between classes and work and other extracurriculars took up most of their time, it was nearly impossible. Whether it was fraternity obligations or musical business deals and appointments or just a regular class for a, ya know, grade, their time was eaten up... no pun intended.

So, with the summer break officially upon them, Ken had planned a night in with Barbie, but instead of cooking together, he took it upon himself to plan an entire night of his own home-cookin', movie, and relaxation as a surprise for his girlfriend.

The only thing she knew? Be at Ken's dorm at 5:00.

Chase had decided to go back home to Montana to visit some family for the next couple weeks, taking Alana with him. That left Ken home alone in his dorm.

Perfect for surprising Barbie without any interruptions.

Interruptions seemed to happen to them... a lot...

"No fair", Barbie half-heartedly pouted, smirking while doing so, indicating it wasn't meant to be serious.

Ken laughed, then shrugged indifferently, "Them's the rules! 5:00... Sharp!", then he turned back to whatever was behind him. Barbie had no idea because, again, he wouldn't give any hints as to what his master plan included, "Well, I better get going. This surprise isn't going to just set up on its own"

Barbie had since stopped walking to the recording studio. She stared down at her phone, squinting teasingly at her boyfriend. She sighed and shook her head, smiling crookedly.

"You're terrible, you know that?"

Again, Ken snickered at her cool insult. He bobbed his head, "YUP!"

After they shared some more good-natured ribbing, Barbie exhaled heavily and glanced up at her newest adventure for the day: recording a new song with Brooklyn.

"Well, I better get going, too. I'm here at the studio. We're hoping to at least get the majority of the song recorded today to send off to the interview with Mexican Summer. Fool's Gold should be calling us any day for their offer. Well, IF they offer us a deal", she finished wryly.

"Here's to hoping for good news. You guys deserve it", Ken wished her lovingly. He beamed brightly at her, "I'll see you later. Remember, 5:00!"

"No earlier", Barbie added teasingly serious, pointing her finger at her boyfriend on the screen, causing him to chuckle.

"See you later, Barbie. Have a great day"

"You, too, Ken. See you tonight"

After the call was ended, Barbie squared her shoulders and climbed the stairs to the recording studio, praying that today was the day that her life changed in the best way.

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