Master-Ful 'Mares

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"This... is... sooooooo exciting, you guys! I can't believe you're really here!"

Barbie nearly vibrated with excitement at the reality that two of her best friends were moving to New York to join her in her college endeavor.

Her and Ken had eagerly volunteered to help Daisy and Nikki move into their dorms at NYU. The same dorm Ken lived in. In fact, they were just a floor above, which made it so much easier for visiting.

Daisy squealed in agreement, "Right?! This is the best idea we've ever had!"

"I know, right? So stoked!", Nikki bounced on her toes as she walked, nearly toppling the box she was carrying in her arms.

Ken laughed at the three jubilant girls, carrying his own stash of personal items, "Before you know it, we'll be talking Teresa and Renee into coming out, here too"

"Oh, don't think we haven't tried", Daisy admitted with a smirk, "They're too stubborn"

As they all enjoyed a good ribbing at their friends who chose to remain on the West Coast, the four of them finished carrying luggage and boxes into the elevator. Making their way down the hall and into the girls' room, they carefully slumped down as the weight of the boxes lifted off their shoulders.

"Man, what are you two bringing? Elephants?!", Ken inquired, rubbing at his arms from lugging the containers.

Nikki waved it off casually, "Oh, ya know, just the essentials"

Barbie chuckled, raising a teasing eyebrow, "Nikki, to you, the entire store is essential"

"Totes! Nikki, I've seen you pack three suitcases for an overnight trip", Daisy joked, elbowing her roommate.

"I can't help it", Nikki admitted, considering the thought, but then smiled brightly, "You never know when you're in a fashion emergency! And we're not just here for one night... We're here for good!"

"Until we graduate, at least", Daisy pointed out, "Then who knows what's in store for us. I for one would love to travel around the world"

"Oh, me too!", Barbie agreed. Globe-trotting was a favorite bucket list item of hers. She perked up and held out her palms, "How about we make a pact? Right here, right now. All of us. When we graduate, we travel the world together", she reached for Ken's hand, holding it tight.

Nikki squealed, "Yes girl! I'm so down for that! Imagine: the chic fashion in Paris! The couture in Spain! Bollywood bangles!"

Daisy laughed, "Heck yeah! I'm in!"

With a high five all around, the happy four-some finished moving in boxes and totes and containers into the girls' room, with even a room christening of their first pizza delivery.

Later that evening, as they were getting more settled in, Ken and Barbie decided to call it a night to allow the friends more privacy in their unpacking. Ken turned to his girlfriend and put on his best faux cowboy impression.

"Welp, darlin', We best be hittin' the trail ag'in. One more kind inquiry to crash in my humble abode for the evenin'?", he added with a wink, offering his bed to her for the night.

Barbie covered her mouth through her giggle at Ken's attempt at a goofy Western accent, blushing instantly at the 'darlin' nickname. Each time he came up with a new nickname for her, it sent her heart fluttering.

She cleared her throat and held on to her boyfriend's elbow, playing along in the theatrical goodbye. Daisy and Nikki watched the interaction with amusement off to the side.

"Why, I do declare that is a mighty fine offer... But, with work early in the mornin', I regretfully decline. Much obliged", she snickered before calmly collecting herself with a teasing wink, "Besides, your snorin' is enough to keep me up all night, Kenny the Kid"

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