my sassy queen. (one)

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WARNING: g!p rosé /

This one is a semi fantasy. An adaptation from series “Once Upon A Time”. Though, it will be focused on the heavy smut. But hey listen, I. Love. This. The dialogues dynamic, characters trait, funny scenes and all. Not a kind of boring and lame oneshot.

Words count : 7.7k


Jisoo was standing in the middle of her bedroom at the mansion. She slowly moved to stand beside her window without breaking eye contact with the dagger. She was looking at the dagger resting on her nightstand with such intensity she thought it might burst at any moment.

She really didn’t want to do this.

At all.

But Jinyoung——her son——had asked her with his big puppy eyes and she couldn’t resist him, she had said yes. She never resisted those eyes that reminded her so much of his other mother.

With a tired sigh, Jisoo removed herself from the window and approached the nightstand. She touched the dagger and brought it to her eye level, the name on it shining like a painful reminder of what happened to the blonde woman.

“Dark one, I command you to appear.” When nothing happened after her words Jisoo sighed again, trying another strategy that she knew worked very well. “Roseanne Swan. Roseanne Swan. Roseanne S-”

A black cloud of smoke started from thin air and in a few seconds Roseanne was there, standing right in front of her inside her bedroom in all her black leather glory.

“And here I thought you would be the last person to ever summon me, your Majesty.” Roseanne purred and the sarcasm in her voice was palpable.

“Well, I didn’t have exactly any desire to summon you. I’m merely doing Jinyoung a favor.” Jisoo dismissed her right away.

“Of course you are.” Roseanne tilted her head to the side. “It’s always about Jinyoung, isn’t it?”

“And what, pray tell, do you mean by that?”

“That you are lying with all your teeth Jisoo. I always know you.”

Jisoo glared at her remembering a similar conversation they had in the past. But this time she did not smiled.

“Don’t pretend for even a second that you know me, Miss Swan.” She spat “Because you don’t.”

“Don’t I?” Roseanne purred approaching Jisoo slowly, who was backing away from her. Roseanne smiled evilly and continued. “Tell me, when you cried the other day, clutching your bedsheets like they were your salvation and all because of that little thief Haein, who I must say is an idiot, reunited with his long lost and thought dead wife, did you really thought I didn’t noticed your red eyes the next day?” Roseanne’s face were so close to hers and it didn’t escape to Jisoo the way Roseanne was using to try to manipulate her. “Because I did.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She turned around to avoid looking at the blonde woman’s eyes.

“Oh, yes you do. Did it felt good to give him one last goodbye fuck knowing he would go back home to her and fuck her like there was no tomorrow?”

Jisoo’s eyes widened as soon as the word flew from her mouth. Roseanne knew she was provoking the dark haired woman and she was having so much fun doing it. She realized that making Jisoo angry lately was something she enjoyed very much.

“How dare you!” Jisoo spun around so fast she could have broken her neck. “You don’t have nothing to do with my personal life and you don’t know me at all! I can still rip your heart and crush it to dust if-”

chaesoo smut. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt