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Silence filled the whole huge hall of the mansion. The atmosphere around his silent sitting figure was tense, his grandma sighed before initiating to speak but stopped when he stood up silently and walked by all three people present in the hall. His friends looked at him going upstairs then darted their eyes at grandma with curiosity to know about everything

"what happened to him" jimin asked while grandma smiled and spoke "He got what he deserved" what does it mean" jungkook asked while joining them and grandma snickered "he insulted the employee and she insulted him back"

"Sh*t why wasn't i there" jungkook winced with the hint of disappointment "she must be courageous" jimin spoke smiling with granny who nodded her head

"She was"


Yn was changing her clothes in locker room while her friend spoke with guilt looking down "I'm sorry, it's because of me" Yn looked into mirror while opening her little pony tail settling her short wolf cut hairstyle and spoke looking at her through mirror "don't blame yourself bae, it's not new for me and you know what I'm happy what i did" But still bae was sad as Yn was one of most cheerful nature employee in cafe who got fired because of what she had done, where bae was full of sorrow because incident, On the other side Yn was humming freely like her mind wasn't tensed at all "what will you do now" Yn put her bag and covered her head with hoodie and put mask then spoke

"I will find another job, just"


At night Yn was smoking while watching TV when she heard the door opening sound but didn't try to look because only Lia had spare keys. When Lia looked at Yn sitting on the couch she wondered how early she was. Lia took off her jacket and jumped on couch and asked yn

"you got free today right" Yn puffed her smoke and looked at her friend leaning her head back on headrest "They fired me" she said while smiling where Lia shook her head in disbelief "why what did you do now" The cafe incident flashed in her mind and she smashed cigarette on ashtray while mumbling "because of that asshole"

Lia looked at her hand how badly She was mashing cigarette and she guessed. Someone messed with her badly and she was very well known to her short temper "what did he say" Yn left her cigarette and was about to speak when news came on TV screen and the name caught her attention

Seoul news : Famous billionaire Kim taehyung has won the title of youngest successful billionaire in whole South Korea in 2023

Yn saw how taehyung was smiling genuinely in front of tons of cameras and how gently he was answering all questions. He was looking like a pure gentleman who couldn't even raise his voice at anyone but only she knew what he was. She stood up with swift and pointed her finger at screen while Lia looked at her all confuse

"He!! He is asshole'' she yelled while pointing her finger again and again while wiggling on her place "but he is Kim taehyung, didn't you hear his name they clearly mentioned" Yn went near screen and poked her finger on picture of taehyung which was shown on screen and said irritatedly

"He is the reason why they kicked me out, this arrogant ass is not perfect, I will break his face, wait a minute" Lia widened her eyes when she saw Yn held a bat nearby. She immediately stood up and held her from waist and dragged her away from screen who was still yelling at screen "b*tch you'll break TV not his face. Calm down and tell me everything. I'll switch off the screen"

Yn looked at Lia and sighed while Lia released her waist slowly and switched off the screen. Yn threw herself on the couch and Lia went inside the kitchen and came back with two bottles of soju. She handed one bottle to Yn and took gulp from her bottle before saying

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