Chaos Part 1

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It had been two years since anyone had seen Seth of Eraklyon sister to Sky and daughter of Andreas. She was different from her brother, she was Andreas daughter but she was also Sky's half sister her mother was a dark fairy with the power of ice of which Seth inherited. When she was 18 in her 2nd year 2 years before Sky and Riven would have joined her in Alfea she killed someone no not just one a village full freezing them too death earning her into the Solarian prison but due to her title she was just a prisoner. That was until a bunch of irresponsible fairies decided to free Rosalind a powerful fairy who was imprisoned. After she was freed Rosalunds first goal was to retrieve Seth. Of which they did. 2 years trapped thinking regretting your decisions was enough to make you a shell of yourself you were meaner but softer when you thought of your little brother he would be a 2nd year now with his troublesome bestfriend but still he meant the world to you. That was until you were brought out. Squinting at the light you noticed a rather old looking lady. "I'm Rosalind you must be-" "Seth, Seth of Eraklyon" you cut her off you could see she was biting her tongue at you but you enjoyed the feeling. You rattled the chains hold your arms in front of yourself "Now now Seth you will only get those of if you behave" she said venom silently spitting off her words, to which you rolled your eyes and just agreed. After your lovely cuffs were off you rolled you wrists your fingers frosting over almost immediately. "Let's go" Rosalind sternly said, dragging you into a portal bringing you back home to Alfea. Waiting for you infront of the school was someone you couldn't stand to see. You had learnt of his survival during your time in Solarias prison, wonderful place I might add."You" you grunted seeing him, but your eyes softened as you noticed Sky behind him. "SKY" You shouted running to him melting the ice off your fingers only to be electrocuted to the floor. "SETH" Sky shouted after his sister who had been electrocuted by Rosalind, quickly checking her pulse. "What did you do" he said anger dripping of each word. As he said that a grunt came from next to him. He stared at a pissed of Seth. "Why you little-" she started only to be silenced by Rosalind. "Agreement remeber" Rosalind said. "Ugh" Your annoyed voice came off. "Hi little brother" Seth said almost immediately changing attitude seeing her baby brother. "Starters Seth I'm 18 not little anymore, second why are you out?" He said a bit skepticully."Rosalind needed help, and I missed you" She grunted waling off to her old dorm. Sky following her up to the tower. As she got dressed into black leggings, a white blouse, a black blazer and large black heels, they made conversation. "Sky you comming we have to go talk to Rosalind?" Seth asked walking down the stairs. As they went outside they noticed everyone else waiting for them. "You look much better Seth" Rosalind said sternly. "And you look much older Rosalind" Seth spoke under her breath causing Sky to laugh which turned to a grunt as she stood on his foot.As the siblings bantered they looked up to be met with the winx Seths face immediately smirked. Sky's cheeks flushed a subtle pink as he noticed Bloom, which didn't go unnoticed by Seth, she would bring that up later. "Things have changed during your time away ladies" Rosalind taunted. With that she walked away leaving them. Seth put her hand around Sky's shoulders seeing this made Bloom angry. Her eyes lit a fire of which Seths returned hers going a bright icy blue. Sky quickly guided his sister off. "What was that Seth?" His voice turned to anger. "WHAT WAS THAT SKY? A FIRE FAIRY REALLY" Seth screamed back each becoming louder earning the audience of others. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT" "IM YOUR SISTER OFCOURSE I DO" With this others connected tge dots Sky only had one sibling, each started summoning their element ready. With this Seth walked away angrily. Sky watched as his sister left again, noticing the defences from other fairies he walked of running into Riven. "What's got your boxers in a twist? Bloom?" Riven said laughing at the end. Only to get glared at by Sky. "No my sister" Sky bit back. "Wait Seths back?" Riven ignored everything else, the icy blonde he missed was back, his bestfriend. "Yes" with that he ran off to the tower to see Seth. As Riven entered Seths room he noticed her sitting on her bed. "Seth, long time" The second Riven said that her eyes wondered over to him, the two running to hug eachother easily since she was 5'10 where he was 5'11. After the two talked as they headed to class. For Seth this would be her first time teaching combat to fairies. As soon as she walked to the specialists training field she noticed them waiting for her, she walked to the front to greet Rosalind. "This is Seth of Eraklyon, she will be you teacher listen to her or you will hear from me" Rosalind said sternly wispers broke pit at hearing her name. "QUIET" Seth shouted silence erupted. "To start we are doing one to one no powers especially you mind fairies, now who wants to go against me for example." After saying this it was silent till a certain red-head spoke up "me" "Who is me exactly" Seth said a smirk growing noticing this was Sky's fire fairy. "Bloom" The fairy said back confidence radiating off her. They went up onto the platform and began.Bloom threw a punch, which was easily deflected, Seth swipped under feet knocking Bloom down. Bloom grabbed her feet dragging her down, which earned her a punch. This went on for minutes, the second Sky heard about the fight he ran over just in time to see Seth walking away. As she was just about to leave Bloom fired a fireball at her, slashing across her back. "AAAAHHHH" she screamed dropping to the ground, Bloom walked off and so did all the other fairies Sky ran to her. He checked her pulse it was weak but there, his arms pulled her up and took her to the greenhouse.

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