Chaos Part 2

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Sky lifted his older sister upbif the floor to the office Harvey almost immediately started healing her back. Seth was going to kill Bloom. Riven had just finished training walking back to the specialists hall when he heard fairies talk about Seth's back being torched. He ran to the office to see Seth grunt on the desk no Sky to be seen, he held her hand until Harvey was finished. After Harvey had finished He left leaving the two alone in a room together. They could feel the tension rising. Seth suddenly pulled Riven in a once slow kiss turned into Riven being pulled on top of Seth, their lips molding against one another's. He reached up spliting her shirt down the middle, his lips moved down her jaw to her neck stopping and sucking every once in a while a low moan could be heard. His arms twisting onto her back unclipping her black bra. He stopped. Earning a whine from Seth. "I'm sorry I can't do this" He said walking out leaving a confused Seth, hurt and alone.She stood up looking in the mirror seeing her swollen pink lips, she put her short and bra back on fixing herself. She walked out, anger striding along her her fingers turned to ice. She screamed down the hall. "FAIRIES GET TO THE TRAINING GROUND NOW!" Her voice thundered making glasses stop and break. As she arrived she saw every single one there. "Good you're here, now your little stunt earlier didn't go unpunished, instead now we're going hunting later go get your stuff meet me here at 10pm. On. The. Dot." With that they scurried off. Seth strode into Rosalinds office. "I'm taking your first year dairies to the woods tonight with me" leaving no room to discuss. "Fine" was all she heard as she walked out.10pm. As soon as the clock ticked 10 her boots could be heard. Each fairy looking more scared then the last. She strode into the woods listening for burned ones but before she got close she saw someone running. "STOP, what are you doing Seth are you crazy or something?" Her younger brother asked. "YES actually" with that she walked in.3 notes

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