Chapter 8...

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Dedicated to StoneQueen for the AMAZING cover of this story!!! I love it, thank you so much! <3

I stared at Liam frozen. In less than 24 hours I will be meeting his family for the first time, and pretending I am deeply in love with him. I don't think I can do this. No I can't do this. As I stood there almost hyperventilating a voice in the back of my mind starting talking.

Jenna it doesn't matter if you can't do this, you are going to have to. You got yourself in this mess and your going to have to get out of it yourself. This is not about you anymore. You are going to suck it up, stop whining, realize this is happening and deal with it. From now on you are going to have to fake that your in love and happy with Liam. Stop acting like a little girl.

I realized that the voice was right. My time of whining, and thinking about how stupid I am to take the deal is over. It has happened and I am going to have to deal with it. Time to start acting mature and not like some high school teenage girl. I can do this.

"Yes I am ready." I said swallowing and tilting my head up. With a nod to Liam that I had everything I needed I walked past him towards the garage. It took a minute before I heard his footsteps following me, walking out to the garage I stood off to the side waiting for him to grab the keys.

Without saying anything he grabbed a random set hanging by the door before walking over to the Audi that wasn't there last time I was in here. I stood there gawking at it while Liam was already inside the drivers seat waiting impatiently for me. Realizing he was waiting for me I quickly walked to the passenger side and slide into the dark grey leather seat. The inside of the car was just as sleek as the outside.

Dark grey leather graced the seats, the dashboard was black and smooth. There was a touch screen stereo that could also hook to a phone. Clicking my seatbelt on I ran my finger tips across the dash. This car probably costs more than my life and everything I own doubled. I have always loved cars and even in high school I took an auto class all 4 years, it was by far my favorite class. Learning what makes a car tick fascinated me for some reason. To me it is easier figuring out what's wrong with the car and fixing it, rather than communicating with people. Cars are simple, people are not.

Liam backed out of the garage and soon we were flying down the driveway onto the road. Surprised at first from the speed we were going I gripped the door handle but after a minute I let go and relaxed into the comfortable seat. Going fast didn't bother me it made me feel free, like nothing could touch me.

As we came closer into town the car slowed and weaved around others. I watched as we passed by tall buildings and cute little shops lining the street. People dressed in suits and pant suits walked briskly passed one another either heading home or back to work. I noticed a few tourists for they walked slowly on the sidewalk pointing at things.

A minute later Liam pulled up to the curb in front of a building. Opening my door I stepped out and gasped at the building we were at. Tiffany and Co. I'm getting a ring at Tiffany's?! A hand on my lower back brought my back and I turned to see Liam next to me. I leaned away from him but his hand wrapped around my waist pulling me to his side.

"Don't. We are out in public." He hissed down at me. Swallowing hard I nodded and stepped back into his side. He opened the door and pushed me inside following after me.

The moment I stepped inside I felt like I had died. Cases upon cases were filled with diamonds. Multiple people stood around dressed in black holding their hands in front of them waiting to help someone. Just standing at the entrance made me feel so small and dirty compared to this place. I never thought I would ever be able to come in this place. It is every girls dream to get a ring at Tiffany's, even a poor girl like me who never would be able to afford one in a million years.

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