Chapter 1

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Picture of Jenna Howard played by Nicola Peltz. She's gorgeous ->

Trailer above for the book! ^^^^ 



Life has an uncanny way of turning out the opposite of what you thought it would. For most people that means they don't end up with their high school sweethearts or they don't go to their dream college; for me it was everything about my life. I didn't think I would be dropped off at an orphanage when I was just five years old. I also just barely graduated high school and am working two awful jobs just so I can pay rent. You could say my whole life so far has been one big disappointment.

"Jenna you're needed at table 3!" A voice interrupted my thoughts. Sighing I stood up from my stool and headed to my table. I hated my job, well actually I 'disliked' my job. The small diner, Ruby's, I worked at was a dive. The painting on the wall was chipped and peeling away. The seats of the booths have holes in them and crayon marks from little kids. There is always something wrong with the place but people seemed to keep coming. I guess the only thing really good about the diner was the food. It was pretty good compared to the outside/inside decor. I have been working here for almost a year and everything still looked the same.

After serving the older man some coffee at table 3 I went and sat back down. It was a Monday morning and it was super slow. I was already wanting it to be the weekend but the week only just started, hell it wasn't even 10 o'clock yet. I was looking forward to finally having a weekend off since I have worked the last three weekends. I haven't been more thankful for Friday in a long time. My plans consist of sleeping in until noon and laying around in my pjs the whole day.

I ran my hand through my dirty blonde hair that was in a high ponytail as I looked around the diner. There were only three customers scattered around drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. Most of them were older people that always came here every other day. With a sigh I laid my head on my hands. Having not got any sleep last night I was ready to take a nap right here on the counter.

"Why so tired?" Asked a voice that belonged to my only friend here at the diner, Sophia. "Long night?" She stood behind the counter grabbing a wet towel and starting to wipe the counters while looking at me.

"You could say that. I ended up having to stay until 4 at the club last night to close and clean up. Then had to be here at 6 to open." I said stifling a yawn behind my hand. Sophia was the only person who really knew anything about me and my past. Usually being closed off from everyone Sophia wormed her way into my life and stuck. She was a good three or four years older than me with short blonde hair and the prettiest blue eyes I have ever seen.

"Girly you work to hard. You need time to rest." She said sending me a condescending look. At times Sophia likes to act like my mother even though she is only a few years older than me.

"I'm fine Soph. Plus I need the money to pay rent this month and my bills."

"If you need money ask Pete for a raise, he may give it to you." Pete is the owner of the diner. He is a huge guy standing at 6'3 and about 230 pounds if not more. His once brown hair was turning grey and he had a few more wrinkles than he use to. Even at the age of 61 he looked younger and was still built with muscle. I wouldn't want to find myself alone with him in an alley. But once you get to know him you find out he is a big teddy bear who would do anything for you if you needed.

"I can't do that. This place doesn't do that good enough business for me to get a raise. I'll just keep working more hours here and at the club, it's fine." I said shaking my head at her idea. I couldn't borrow money, I wasn't that kind of person. I would rather be tired and worn out all the time earning money than borrowing it from someone. I've been doing everything myself since I was 14 and now is no different.

A Year Agreement  (PUBLISHED!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora