Chapter 31...

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And sorry that it isn't the greatest! I'm the best at writing smut scenes, I don't want it to be too graphic or not graphic enough. This is literally like my 2nd time writing a smut scene so bear with me.

Thank you to whoever sent me this cute banner above!! I totally forgot your username! SO PLEASE COMMENT OR MESSAGE ME WHO YOU ARE SO I CAN DEDICATE THE CHAPTER TO YOU! <3 <3

Song above is Wicked Games by The Weeknd. Just listening to it for a minute sets the mood for this chapter!

I groaned as I felt the warm rays of the sun hit my face. I buried myself deeper in my bed breathing in the intoxicating scent I could smell all around me. I turned onto my other side and froze feeling something firm and warm. Peeling my eyes open I stared at Liam's sleep face. I laid there staring at him almost in shock that we were in bed together. Slowly everything that had happened yesterday come to mind. I blushed remembering what happened after Liam and I confessed to one another.

Pushing the covers a little bit away I breathed out a sigh of relief finding I did at least have a shirt one and it appeared to be one of Liam's regular ones. I turned back to stare at him looking at every indent on his face as if I was memorizing them. He looked really cute sleeping which I was jealous of because I knew I looked like a zombie while I slept. His face wasn't creased with stress, or anger. I wanted to run my fingers across it but I didn't want to wake him up. My eyes traveled past his face and down his bare chest. I was once more taken back by how in shape he was, his 6 pack was on full display and dent in that you could literally eat stuff off of it. At those thoughts I blushed again. As I basically eye raped his chest I bit my bottom lip remembering what the covered up part looked like.

12 hours earlier....

Liam's lips left mine as he opened the door to our room. He pulled me in afterwards and before the door even shut my back was pressed against it. His lips were once more on mine and I almost let out a sigh. Just that second without his lips made me feel cold and empty.

His lips were firm and demanding as his body was flushed with mine. My hands weaved themselves in his soft thick hair tugging on it to get him somehow closer to me. My body felt like it was on fire and the only way to douse it was Liam. I have never felt this way before, I have never felt such a needing feel for someone. As Liam let go of my lips to trail his down my neck I let out a breathy moan. A part of me was scared to continue this but the other part knew this felt right. With it being my first time I was nervous and scared. Scared that Liam wouldn't want to do it if he knew I had no experience what so ever, or scared that I would do something wrong.

All those thoughts basically flew out of my mind as Liam's lips sucked on the skin at the base of my throat. I was literally turning into a pile of goo as I tighten my hold on his hair and closed my eyes. Everything I was feeling was new but I loved it. Gripping his head I pulled him back up to my lips before wrapping one leg around his waist. I didn't care that I was wearing a dress I just wanted to be as close to him as I could.

"Jenna are you sure you want to do this?" Liam asked pulling away from me and staring down at me breathlessly. I looked up at him thinking about what he said. Was I ready to take this next step with Liam? This is something I can't undo afterwards if I regret it. But you won't regret it. A voice said in my head. Did I love Liam enough to do this?

I wasn't one of those girls that was waiting for marriage to have sex but I wasn't one to just do it with every possible guy either. I was waiting for the right one to come along before I gave up my virginity to him. This may possibly be your last chance. That annoying voice said once more. I bit my bottom lip internally debating. As I stared up at Liam with his blue eyes shining down at me, and the fuzzy feeling I was being overwhelmed with I knew my answer.

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