Chapter 5: "According to Plan", eh?

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Rengoku's POV->

"You don't need to worry about it. You will be strong enough. With the knowledge of these events, you can officially kick Akaza's ass when you get back!"
"What if I... don't feel like I can?"

The blurred image of the woman sighed and held his head on her clothed chest. She whispered encouragements, compliments, and jokes that would bust anyone's gut. She tilted her head at me as her comforting hand gently lifted mine for my attention.

"Those nightmares better not plague your mind again, or I'll end up hugging them away like a giant teddy bear! You got this!"

I began to wake up from what felt between a dream and a memory. It made me feel that of a failure. Whoever she is, I can only imagine her scorn and disappointment right now if she were here.

My eyes opened to notice the paper walls and the cushion cradling my body. I am at the Wisteria Estate.

'I must've been taken care of after the woman healed me. Speaking of which, where is she?'

Someone breathed beside me loudly. There laying over the side of the bed is the same woman that saved and healed me to the best of her ability. Her clothes are cut in some areas, her hair is down, and her maroon hand... is holding mine. I wanted to thank her for saving me and my peers, but she is asleep.

'I'd hate to wake her up. She looks so peaceful.'

She began moving while groaning. I watched as she stretched upwards and rubbed her eyes in a very cute manner. Her brown eyes met mine.

"Oh, you're awake. Mina, will you get Shinobu-san and the others?"

I was wondering who she is talking to until I heard flapping from the window. Two crows sat near the window, and one flew away. Her hand pulled away from mine. Instantly, I itched for her hand to return; I don't know why.

"Here's your water and soup."

A tray with a cup and chicken dumpling soup was placed in front of me. She beamed a quick smile my way before turning around. I told her to wait. I'm more shocked of my words than she is.

"Yes, Rengoku-san?"
"You can stay here if you don't mind!"

Her brown eyes seemed hesitant, but she nodded anyways which made me happy. The woman sat down with beautiful posture. Her hands are in front of her. I ate my meal savoring every bite and chug.

"Umai! This meal is delicious! Did Shinobu-san make this?"
"Well, I did. She just let me use the kitchen and is... curious to what I wanted to make for you in such a weak condition. I cooked her some, and she loves it."
"I see. Well, your meal is tasty!"

She grinned with her teeth showing. It is more elegant and burns brighter than any fire.

"As celebration for becoming my full fledged assistant and nurse for the ______ Family Vet, Selfie, Kyo-chan!"

There is that phone I got used to looking at. _____ hugged me sideways and squished her cheek against mine. She is close. I can feel her warmth and smell the Japanesse cherry blossom perfume. The phone showed what we looked like for a split second. One part of her cleared from the mists of blobs.

Her pink lips showing one of her bright and addicting smiles.

"Is being dazed one of the effects from his injuries?"
"It shouldn't be, Shima-san."
"Hmm, well, I'm sure it's minor. Thank you for the change of clothes, Shinobu-san!"

I snapped out of my daydream to see the said person walk out of the room with clothes in her arms. Shinobu-san checked on me; she already knows about my predicament. I know she feels sorry for not being able to help, but smiled nevertheless.

"When did you start dazing off randomly? That is very unlike you."
"During my battle with Akaza, one of the Upper Moons! Oh that reminds. I forgot to thank her for saving me!"
"Shima-san... so that's the maiden's name! It doesn't sound like it fits her, however."
"I thought the same thing, but Kamado and Ubuyashiki-san urges us not to press on her name.

I nodded and sat back relaxing. After Shinobu left, my friends came in to visit me and lastly my family... that is the first time in a long while I've seen my father without a bottle in his hand.

"Rengoku-san, I've sown your robes since I felt guilty for... Shit, sorry. I didn't know you are having a family reunion here! I'll leave if-."
"Haha, you didn't interrupt anything. In fact, you came just in time!"
"I-I did?"

The maroon colored female walked to my bedside with her head tilted.

"Yep! Father, this is Shima-san, the woman that saved my life along with my comrades on the mission. Shima-san, this is my family! My little brother, and the former Flame Hashira, my father!"
"It's nice to meet you. Your robes will be on the chair."

She bowed and placed the neatly folded uniform on the chair. Her hair is pulled back by her cute headband and is still down framing her beautiful round face. Shima-san is in a white kimono that makes her uncomfortable. She clutched her top of the cloth, and I instantly knew why she is making such a bashful face.

"Sorry for the indecency. I told Shinobu-san the top of the kimono is too small, so one of the nurses are trying to find something bigger."
"No need to apologize, Shima-san."
"So this is the one that saved my son? She doesn't look like a Hashira."
"Oh, um, I'm not a Hashira, sir. Just a woman with self defense," She politely corrected with a smile.

Senjuro ran to Shima-san and hugged her.

"Thank you for saying my brother, Shima-san!"
"Awe, don't thank me, little man. I'm just happy to have saved lives last night."
"You stopped the demon's powerful attack and shredded his arms and legs. Your offense may not have killed him, but it did buy some time to where daylight hit. You saved many lives including my own, yet, you are humble about your great deed."

Shima-san laughed while patting my little brother's head. Suddenly, her body went rigid, and her eyes went wide.

"Oh, I hope your families' travel here isn't far! If you are hungry, I would like to offer my Chicken Dumpling Soup... I fixed a huge pot so I have a lot to spare! Mina, Quakey, makes sure to keep them company in my absence!" She exclaimed with a happy expression her hands clapping.

Before we could say anything, she already sped out of the room. My heart had beat faster seeing her excitement and joy.

"Shima-san's" POV-->

While humming, I fixed three new bowls of Chicken Dumpling soup. There is still some left surprisingly.

'So he really doesn't remember me... that's what I was afraid of, but it's a good thing. Kyojuro will not be in the way when I do what I have to do as long as he stays here to recuperate and go be with his family afterwards.'

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