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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


Something bothers him.

Jocelynn can tell.

As she looks over at him, she notes the way he walks, the way he's constantly fidgeting, the incapability to look her in the eye. It's all too familiar, all too unlike him, and suggests that he has something else on his mind. Something that is keeping him far away from her.

"You're strangely quiet today."

When he flinches, her concern only grows.

"Hm? No, I'm just..." When he chuckles nervously, fumbling for some excuse for his behavior, it only confirms her suspicions and she sighs inwardly before looking away.

She wonders if it's best to even press for further answers. When Yen would act this way, she could never find the words within her to explain her feelings, much less inform them to her mother. Perhaps that is the same with Jimin, and even if it is not, it's easier for Jocelynn to believe rather than the alternative. She's put so much trust in their bond, so much so that hope has begun to grow and she doesn't want anything to dampen that. Break it before it's had a chance to see the sun.

And as she spies a vendor a couple of ways down the pathway selling pawn toys and a plethora of kites, she realizes that all she wants today is to enjoy her time with him. Even if the feeling of dread continues to grow, she wants to forget it, if only for a little while.

Jimin watches, pausing on the cobblestoned walkway as she rushes over to the vendor, quickly purchasing a kite. And while he smiles as she returns to him, it is a pained one. For the butterflies attacking his ribcage no longer bring the rush of adrenaline and giddy happiness. They have become dull and melancholy, ringing a dead tuneless song whereas before they would echo his world in birdsong.

And though her presence deepens that indescribable pain, there the color comes back, the world turning brighter, luminescent as she decorates his skies with sunshine and brilliant starlight, as she nears his side once more, a gorgeous grin breaking out on her face and turning into a different form of beauty but beauty nonetheless.

"It's been a while since I've used this, I wonder if I can still remember." She informs him as she begins to struggle with unwinding the string around the handle of the kite. Jimin knows he's already fallen too deep, and he knows that this may be a mistake, but he also knows he cannot leave without one more day.

One more day by her side, one more day to let go.

Rolling his eyes after it's clear of her hopelessness, Jimin takes the spool out of her hands and begins to unwrap it for her instead.

"And here I thought you could do anything." He teases her and Jocelynn doesn't even care that he took a dig at her. For her heart is already flourishing with the sight of a small smile on her face. And what was bothering him before does not matter as much as that smile she sees, at this moment.

Infinite StarsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang