How you met (Hunters)

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Ji-Woon Hak: You were in a match when you heard the sound of guitar strings being shredded. You winced at the sound and held the side of your head. The sound of the generator and crows with the guitar on top of the mixture was giving you a headache. You sat behind a tree to try and relax when the sound got closer until you saw the source. The yellow glowing eyes staring you down. You realized you were the last one alive and sighed. You closed your eyes ready to get it over with. That moment never came. You peeked your eyes open to see his face inches from yours. "Whatcha doin darling? Not gonna run away?" You stared at him and he smiled. "Cat gotcha tongue?" "My head hurts." His smiled dropped a little and he looked around. "How about this, if I give you the hatch you agree to meet with me again?" You nodded just wanting to go rest your head. He followed you to it and watched as you left. What a strange person.

Danny Johnson: You poked at the fire as everyone else's voices blurred around you. A sudden flash caught your attention and you looked up to be face to face with ghost face. Everyone else had retired for the night leaving just you and him. He removed his mask and sat down next to you. "Nice round today. You really had me turned around." You nodded and you both had a small conversation. It eventually became past 1 and you both decided to go in for the night. "What's your name?" "I'm (y/n), and you?" He flashed you a toothy grin before placing his mask back on. "I'm Danny, but please call me Jed when the others are around.."

Albert Wesker: You had gotten the day off due to an unexpected injury. You decided to walk around the racoon city police station. While doing so you heard a soft humming and followed the source of it. You saw a man with sunglasses looking at various files. "I know you're there little mouse, why don't you tell me your name." The man turned around to face you and you felt a bit fearful. "Relax, I'm taking the day off. I'm not interested with playing with a little mouse right now." You looked at the strange man and he walked closer to you. "I'm Albert Wesker, and you are?" You told him your name to which he did a small nod. "Well little mouse, I would love to chat but I must be heading back. I would like to see you in a match I hope." With that you watched as he brushed passed you and into the soft rain.

Michael Myers: You hid in a locker as you waited for the shape to walk by. You held your breath as he stood in front of it. The other survivors were long gone. Just you and him. He tore the locker door open and you pounced on him. He was caught off guard by the sudden attack and fell. You made a run for the dungeon and he watched as you left. His eyes narrowed and he through his knife into the ground. He wants you to cross paths with him again.

Bubba Sawyer: The sound of a chainsaw disturbed you as you heard Megan scream. You tried to remain focused but eventually it got overwhelming and you broke down. You heard your heart beat grow louder as the chainsaw wielding killer approached you. He noticed your tears and tilted his head. Are they crying? He felt bad and lowered his head down and left. He didn't mean to scare you so badly. Maybe he could make it up to you somehow.

The Legion(Frank): You and him stared daggers at eachother. He was in the woodline and you were at the campfire. You recognized his mask very quickly the minute he stepped foot there. You two had originally been partners in crime but he double crossed you. You flicked him of and turned your attention back to the other survivors. This is fucking cheesy.

Huntress: You watched in amazement behind another tree as you watched her chop one down for fire wood. The way her muscles flexed and the axe swung left you awe struck. You tried to get a closer look but you stepped on a twig and it snapped cussing her to turn around. You quickly ducked behind the tree and heard a faint giggle. "Why are you hiding little mouse? Don't be afraid, I won't bite." You took a deep breath and walked around the tree to where she could see you. "Ah you're the one who's been following me. It's nice to finally see you." You blushed and rubbed your arm. "Y yeah I just really admire your strength.. plus you look really cool!" She smiled beneath her mask and nodded. "Mind helping tote some wood back to camp?"

Herman Carter: You held the tissue to your busted lip as you walked into the doctor's office. Danny had found it funny to spook you causing you to trip and land on your face. That resulted in a busted lip and a trip to see the infamous Herman Carter. You took a seat and waiting until you heard footsteps approach you. You turned to see the man of the hour and smiled. You and him always got along even during matches. He's a bit scary but besides his killer act a very gentle man. "I heard what happened, Danny apologizes." You laughed and nodded. "Dork always knows how to scare me. It's like his talent." Herman took a look at your lip and cleaned them disinfected it. He placed a small bandage and patted your head. "Good to go! Enjoy your evening." You smiled and blew him a kiss. "Thanks Herman!"

Pyramid Head: You looked on at the various breakfast foods infront of you. Some of which you couldn't recognize. You felt someone next to you and turned to see a man with a pyramid for a head. You stared at him in wonder when he grabbed a water bottle and left. You decided to follow him and eventually you ended up on a hill overviewing rpd. You noticed his head was tilted down at you and you smiled. "Sorry just curious."

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