How You Met (Survivors)

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Dwight Fairfield: You noticed a pair of glasses shattered on the ground. Someone bumped into you causing you to fall. "Dammit don't you see-" you noticed the guy feeling around for something. You bite your bottom lip and helped him up. "If you're looking for a pair of glasses they are broken." He sighed,"dammit" and rubbed his head. "How about I help you out until the match ends? He smiled at you and nodded. "Thanks"

Jake Park: You held your side as you limped into the house structure. You couldn't find a medkit anywhere and you were starting to panic. You felt someone grab you and you almost let out a scream when a hand covered your mouth. You turned and looked to see Jake placing a finger over his lips. He started to heal you up and you felt a strange sense of calmness. "Thank you." "Don't worry about it.. stay by my side I'll protect you."

David King: (David is confirmed to be Gay. With this I'm going to respect this and make sure his is x Male reader strictly. Yes I know that his representation wasn't the best but even he was still confirmed. ) You watched the other survivors around the fire laughing and talking with the occasional food and drink being passed around. You crossed your arms and leaned your head back closing your eyes. "So is mister dark and mysterious just gonna stand there or is he gonna join us." Your eyes fluttered open to see a wide smile on the face of David. He so was so close you could smell the s'mores in his breath. You and him had met earlier during a match and from there he kept following you. "Well hello again David." He smiled and patted your shoulder and dragged you to the fire to join the others.

Quentin Smith: The first thing you noticed about him was his sleepy face. You found it.. cute? Yeah cute would describe him. You giggled as you watched him yawn for the 5th time. You paid attention to him during the match and noticed his sleepy like behavior. For instance anytime he repaired a generator his head would wobble. You walked up to help him out with the generator. He gave you a small smile and focused his attention back on the machine. "You know.. I must be dreaming right now. I didn't know someone as pretty as you could exist.."

Leon Kennedy: You watched him as he taunted the hunter with a pallet. You shook your head and rolled your eyes. He flashed you a wink and you froze as the hunter turned to face you. You broke out into a sprint cussing Leon out. Eventually you had gotten downed and hooked. Leon was quick to rescue you with a smug look on his face. "Don't you even say anything." He shrugged and you both continued on with the match. Of course with the casual insults.

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