Chapter 8

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Halo's team was doing good so far. They have found multitudes of aeteri under Itri's control, only needing a few drops of the numerous amount of vials to free them. They were confused at first, but it didn't take them long to find their bearings. Some wanted to stay and help while others wanted to return home to their families.

"How do you think they're doing?" Halo asked Darcel for the thousandth time to which Darcel rolled his eyes.

"They're fine," He growled out, not wanting to think of his mate being in any kind of danger when he isn't there to protect her from it.

Fallon was off to the side talking to a jaguar she befriended along their journey, petting its head with gentle hands, giggling every so often.

"Zafree says there are many people deep within the forest. She said that she's seen many wolves as well lurking about," Fallon told the others, nodding for the jaguar, Zafree, to run along.

In the distance, they hear a noise, so faint that only the keenest of ears could pick it up.

Evander stiffened, "Was that a bomb?"

Halo growled, levitating above the ground his arms pulsing with electricity.

"Halo, no. They're fine," Fallon told him.

"I can feel her fear," Halo said, his eyes turning black. "But she's alive."

They all sighed in relief.

Although Halo is happy his mate is okay, he can't help but feel something isn't entirely right with her. She's been off for months and he's noticed. He has asked her numerous times if anything was wrong but she would just smile and brush it off telling him she's fine. He's been thinking of all the times they've been together, trying to figure out if he did or said something that might have upset her but thought of nothing. He knows he can be overprotective, but he has always been that way.

Maybe there's someone else. . .

Halo couldn't fathom the thought that his mate was potentially seeing someone else, even the thought had him ready to destroy the entire rainforest. Who would it even be? No one on his team, he's certain. All the males on his team are spoken for, even Carson regardless that him and Erin aren't exclusive.

It would explain why Charm always looks so guilty when she's with him. Halo growled under his breath, thinking he's probably overreacting about this. He always feels her love and affection. No, it's not anyone else, but something isn't right with her.

While Halo questioned his relationship, Carson and Fallon sat together a few yards away, discussing the vials of serum they possessed.

"All I'm sayin' is that catching these people one by one and forcing the serum in their mouths isn't efficient. It's annoying and difficult," Carson said, agitated.

"Well, what other way are you thinking?" Fallon asked.

"I was thinking maybe I can disperse it through the air somehow. If only I had the proper equipment to synthesis and change its form," Carson smacked the ground in frustration.

Fallon thought for a moment, "Well, what if we heat it up to the point of it creating steam or something and then it'll be airborne and breathed in."

Carson looked at Fallon impressed, nodding at her. That can work. If they could somehow rally the prisoners in one area and disperse the serum, it would be way easier and a lot more effective.

"It's going to be really difficult to disperse it in mass, considering they're aeteri and wolves alike, and whatever other creatures there are, it won't be easy," Carson ran a hand down his face.

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