Chapter 15

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I watched the perimeter of the ship from the tree I was sitting in closely, waiting for Ara's signal to do my thing. The only one my powers won't effect is my mother, but Ara said it's handled.

Somewhere in that ship is Nysa and we are going to get her back at all costs.

When the branches shook, I looked down, watching Carson struggling to climb up. I rolled my eyes and continued to keep my eye out.

"Hey," Carson exhaled heavily, out of breath from the climb.


I felt his gazing practically searing into the side of my head so I looked over at him, giving him a look.

Carson's eyes saddened and he looked out to the perimeter, "She isn't there. Everyone's families are here, even my dad is here but she isn't."

I did take notice to that, "I know."

"She's dead, isn't she?" He asked me, but I don't think he really wanted an answer.

I don't know if Amaya is dead, but if she isn't here, it doesn't look good at all.

"Carson, I'm sorry," I tell him sincerely.

Amaya was like an aunt to me, she's family and I'm devastated at even the thought she could be dead, but if she is, then we have to avenge her and take Itri down and we won't do that if we are in our feelings.

I stared out into the distance, imagining what it would feel like to be home.

To be free.

Free from all the prophecies, from the endless training, from the pressure to save the world, from everything. If we win, we will be free to just live life normally without all that fear and anxiety lingering behind us.

"What is the first thing you'll do when we get back?" I asked him.

Carson laughed humorlessly, "Are you seriously asking me that?"

I sighed, "Imagine we win, imagine we go home and your moms alive and everyone made it. Imagine our lives will finally be normal, okay? Just tell me."

He thought about it for a minute, "I'd ask you out on a date."

My eyes snapped to his, and he nodded to himself. I felt my lips pulling up at the thought.

"What about you?" He asked.

I smiled, looking back at the perimeter, "I'd say yes."

Just then, there was rustling and I looked down watching a vine extend from the ground, rising up to where I sat, a single red rose blooming at the tip.

Ara's signal.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes willing my power forward projecting the feeling of great sadness to the guards surrounding the ship, our families. I felt terrible doing it and I watched as my father crumbled to his knees.

At the same moment, my mother was lifted into the air by an invisible force before taken into the jungle by Charm and I watched as my team started to approach them, taking them down one by one.

Carson and I climbed down, running to help but there wasn't anything to help with. It was done, everyone was knocked out. It was smooth, efficient and I have to say a lot easier with the help of the people that were freed by Halo's group.

I went over to Ara, who was standing over her mother.

"Put the feeling of sleep over them, make sure it lasts a long time," She told me.

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