Chapter 9

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I started the fire, tending to it gently as Erin through some more wood on top helping it grow. Charm, Ara and Adelaide were setting up their own areas to rest while the girl was sleeping a few feet away from me.

She should have been awake by now.

"How hard did you hit her?" Erin laughed.

I gave her a sheepish look, "Pretty hard."


Just then, the girl groaned moving around before sitting up slowly holding her head in her hand.

Erin walked away,"This is all you girl."

I rolled my eyes, walking over to the girl, crouching down beside her.

"Um, hey," I tapped the girl gently, waiting for her to look at me.

Slowly, her eyes opened and she looked up at me, wearing a confused expression. She glared at me, scooting away a bit.

"Quem é você, onde estou?"

My face fell and I sighed, "Great, just perfect."

Her eyebrows shot up in surprise, "You are American."

"You speak english?" I asked equally as surprised.

"Mmm, not good english," She said with a thick Portuguese accent. She looked me up and down, realization dawning on her before she gasped. "You are naked lady who hit me on my head!"

I frowned while the rest of my team giggled in the background, "Yeah, it wasn't my best look. I had to, you were under a bad man's control." I tell her.

"I know," She grimaced, "But, why naked?"

I face palmed, still hearing my team laughing from behind me, "Because I shifted back from being a wolf."

"Ohh, you're a wolf," She realized.


"But why clothes don't shift with you, I still don't understand why naked."

The laughter grew and I turned my head growling at them,"Okay, just forget the nakedness, alright? What's your name?"

"Calista," She answered, standing on shaky legs. She looked around her surroundings, rubbing her arms. The girl had nothing but a tank top and shorts on, not even a pair of shoes.

I can tell she's cold so I motioned to the fire. She walked over and sat down next to it, and I next to her. It wasn't too cold, it was fairly warm even at night, but this girl is malnourished and weak.

"Why are you in rainforest?" She asked me, as I threw a thin blanket over her shoulders.

I looked at her innocent expression, sighing, "We are going to kill Itri."

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"The person who was controlling you," I clarify.

She glared at nothing in particular, "The bad man." She muttered.

I nodded.

"I want to help," She announced, lifting her chin up high.

I looked at my team who were suddenly very quiet, listening to our conversation. Ara stood up, making her way over to us.

"Hey, Calista. What. . . exactly are your powers?" Ara asked curiously, sitting on the other side of her.

"My powers. . . I can make not alive things, alive," She said proudly.

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