Chapter 13

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•Author's POV•
•It was already night•
•You all had dinner•

•You were doing dishes and your Dad was helping you. Your Mom came to you guys after giving medicines to Jungkook•

Y/n's Mom: hun, you go and take rest, I will help Y/n.

•Your Mom said that to your Dad•

Y/n's Dad: I can do it hun, you go and sleep
Y/n's Mom: ya, did you forget Y/n and Jungkook are going back tomorrow, their flight is early in the morning, You have to wake up early so that you can drop them at the airport on time, so go and rest.

•Your Dad said that he can still do the dishes and can even wake up early but your Mom somehow made him agree to leave•

•Now it's just You and Your Mom, after doing the dishes, You said 'Goodnight' to your Mom and you were about to go but your Mom stopped you and took you in the living room, she said she wanted to talk to you•

Y/n: Yes Mom, what do you want to talk.
Y/n's Mom: I want to talk about you and Jungkook
Y/n: w-what, wh-why about us.
Y/n's Mom: because I can sense something is going on between you two, now tell me, did something happened, you can tell me Y/n, I'm your Mom

Y/n: Nothing happened Mom (fake smile) you are overthinking
Y/n's Mom: you know you cannot hide anything from me is. I can see Y/n something happened between you two, now tell me.

•You looked down but then you look at your Mom when your Mom said•

Y/n's Mom: did you guys fight

•You nodded after few seconds and you softly said•

Y/n: but it was long back ago
Y/n's Mom: who was at the fault

•You didn't said anything but your Mom continued•

Y/n's Mom: Jungkook

•You slowly nodded•

Y/n's Mom: you said it was long back ago, so why still I can feel something off..............You can't forget about it right?

•You again nodded, you knew your Mom will catch you within a second if you lie•

Y/n's Mom: has he realised his mistakes, is he guilty?

•You nodded•

Y/n's Mom: has he apologised for his mistakes and promised to never do the same mistake again

•You again nodded•

Y/n's Mom: after that have he ever had a fight with you.

•You shaked your head as no •

Y/n's Mom: he loves you right?

•You stared at your Mom for a second and nodded•

Y/n's Mom: Y/n my child........I'm not forcing you to forgive him but I want to tell you something. There are two types of people in this world, One who do mistakes and forgets about it and One who accept their mistakes and tries to change for the one they love. And you know you cannot find the one who accept their mistakes easily.

•Your eyes got teary and your Mom hugged you•

Y/n's Mom: if there was someone else in Jungkook's place, he would have given up. But I can see that Jungkook can wait for your forgiveness for eternity...........You loves him too right, you shouldn't also give up on him, just trust him and let him do his job to make you trust on him again. Hmm

The Moment I Saw YOU (MAFIA AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now