Chapter Thirteen

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"So what hairstyle do you want?"I asked Ivy as we sat infront of the mirror.

I had the comb in hand and was ready to deliver on my promise to do her hair in any style she wanted just like I did with Clara.

"Surprise me."She replied looking unsure of herself.

"Okay."I nodded and started combing her knotless hair back.

"You have really beautiful hair."I complimented running my fingers through the soft strands.

"Thank you, I get it from my mom. Or at least that's what papa tells me."She replied with a sad smile.

I was surprised to hear Ivy bring up her late mother. I never discussed their birth parents with the kids because first if all it wasn't my place and second those memories definitely had to be painful.

"You don't remember her?"I asked carefully hoping I wasn't crossing any boundaries.

"I was only five when they died and I do remember some things but not everything. At least I have some memories, Clara has none."Ivy replied sadly.

The solemn look on her face made me really sad and I hoped that one day Nathan would find a mother figure for them that would help ease their pain.

"I've seen her photos around the house and you look just like her. She would be very proud to see the wonderful young lady you're growing up to be."I complimented.

"You think so?"Ivy mumbled shyly.

"I know so."I assured her.

"Thank you."She beamed her green eyes lighting up with happiness.

I smiled at her and proceeded to style her hair into a beautiful fancy updo with a couple of braided strands and some tendrils calling over her face.

"What do you think?"I asked finally allowing Ivy to see the finished product.

I held my breath knowing how critical preteens could be. Her eyes lifted up to her reflection on the mirror and she gasped.

"I love it."She declared and it was my turn to celebrate with happiness.

"I'm glad you do."I replied feeling very accomplished.

"Thank you so much."She sniffed.

I was surprised when she turned around on the stool and hugged me, burying her face on my stomach. I hesitated at first but nonetheless hugged her back pleased with myself.

"You're welcome sweetheart, anytime."I reassured her patting her hair.

"You do know this means that you'll be doing this for me for the rest of my life right."Ivy asked pulling back.

I didn't want to burst her bubble and tell her that I would not be around forever so I swallowed that negativity and smiled at her.

"It will be an honor."I promised her.

Ivy grinned at me before turning back around to admire her hairdo on the mirror. My job was done so I put away all the combs and hair products I'd used and left Ivy in the bathroom so I could wake Clara up.

By the time I managed to get Clara up and into the bathroom Ivy was long gone. Clara was already used to our routine by now so it was easier for me for get her ready.

I got her into the dining room with enough time for her to take her breakfast before taking them to school.

Yes, I would be the one taking the kids to school. I was a little bit scared and unsure of what I was doing but Nathan believed in me so I had to believe in myself. I'd passed my driving exam perfectly so there was nothing to be worried about. Right?

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