Chapter Thirty

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The first thing I became aware of when I came to was the foul taste in my mouth and the pain in my jaw. I felt like I'd had a root canal without anesthesia. I struggled to open my eyes but my head hurt with my temples pounding painfully as if there was a full on rock concert going on in there. I tried lifting my hands to my face but they were tied behind my back.

"Fuck."I muttered but it came out muffled because I was gagged too.

Since I couldn't use my eyes, mouth or hands I had to rely on my nose and ears to determine my whereabouts. I was bound to a chair with my wrists and ankles tied using zip ties since I could feel the plastic cut into my skin the more I struggled. The room I was held in was cold and damp with a smell of mould in the air. I couldn't hear anything and I got the feeling we were underground since it was too quiet.

Finally I managed to open my eyes and the first thing I confirmed is that the room was indeed dirty and damp. There was water dripping from a leaking pipe and onto the wall pooling in one corner of the room. There were no windows and the only exit I could see was the steel door in the corner. The light in the room was coming from a dimly light bulb above my head. I was alone as far as I could tell but that didn't make my situation better.

My once white top was covered in blood and dirt and my skirt was ripped into pieces. I had no idea how long I had been in there, it could be hours, days or even weeks. I was thirsty, hungry and in pain, a very terrible combination.

Amidst all my turmoil my thoughts immediately went to the Lancasters'. After knocking me out I hoped he had left the kids alone for Nathan to find them. If he had laid even a finger on them, I would tear him to shreds, boil him and feed him to Kane and Cora. Human flesh was just as good as beef, right?

Nathan. Oh Nathan. He was probably so worried driving himself crazy with what ifs and guilt. All I hoped for was the he had found the kids safe and that they weren't too traumatized. I knew they would be worrying about me but I could handle myself.

I had no idea where I was, what time it was or how long I had been gone but one thing was for certain, I would free myself and get back to my family. Edgar thought he had the upper hand by kidnapping me and taking me away from my family but he had failed to realize one thing. Just as he had threatened their lives to make me go with him because of how much they meant to me, they would be the reason I fought tooth and nail to get away from him. I had a purpose now, a family where I was loved so no matter what, I would make my way back to them.

I heard footsteps echoing towards the door, followed by jiggling of keys and finally the door swung open to reveal Edgar dressed in full military gear. I wanted to make a sarcastic comment about Halloween being a month ago but I was gagged.

"You look like you want to say something. Come on go ahead, say it, I'm all ears. Oh that's right you can't."Edgar cackled making fun of my situation.

I swear to God, the minute I broke loose, I would cut him up so bad, he wouldn't be able recognize his own reflection in the mirror.

"If looks could kill I'd be buried six feet under right now but unfortunately for you, I'm not the one bound to a chair."Edgar egged on taking steps closer to me.

As he rambled on I took my chance to get a good look at him looking for any weak points. He was trying to hide it but I could see the slight limp on his left foot meaning he was not completely healed from my ass whooping a couple of months ago. It's like the man completely refused to accept reality and move on. The one thing I was sure of is that this was the last time he would be messing with me. The second I freed myself I would make him regret thinking that I was someone he could easily mess with.

"You are thinking of ways to get away aren't you?"He whispered stepping into my personal space.

He unholstered his gun and cocked it using the nozzle to tip my chin up.

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