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"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO?" Izzy yelled at Micheal.

"To get information" Micheal replied calmly

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WHERE GOING RIGHT THAT MOMENT?" Izzy not calming down even a little

"Because I know you would have snuck out to follow me" Micheal looked at Izzy

"Just don't scare me like that" Izzys voice drastically went down

Micheal took a deep breath "I'll tell you next time as long as you stay here"

"Why would I not?" Izzy asked

"Excitement, worry, wonder, and more possible reasons for leaving others have tried, and followed" Micheal told Izzy "anyway, its morning, did you sleep at all last night?"

"No, I was worried about you" Izzy said in a directed tone

"Well, here, there are 2 beds, so we sleep during the day, work during night" Micheal was already heading to a bedroom "and the day after tomorrow, we are leaving, I just have a few things to do"

"Would this include going out again?" Izzy had a stern look, making sure Micheal knew she was serious.

"Just to one more place" Micheal had just come out in shorts and tshirt. He threw pink unicorn and rainbow pajama pants, and a tank top at Izzy. "here, you can wear this''

Izzy looked at the cloths and then Micheal "I assume this was her's"

"Now they're yours" Micheal then turned and walked to the room

"So you said there are 2 beds, right?" Izzy wondering

"Yeah, in the far room" came from Micheal right before falling asleep

Izzy then looked at the door and walked to it, opening it up to find a bed, where she then fell asleep

A few hours later, in a restful sleep, she awoke to find it dark outside, being able to tell only through the camera viewing outside. She then looked for Micheal. He was gone once again.

On the other side of town, his motorcycle was roaring through the streets, a couple of cars coming after him. They were shooting at him, Micheal just barely avoiding it.

He spun around a corner, and quickly into an alleyway, large enough for his bike, but too small for the cars. He parked the bike behind a small wall, and got his rifle ready. When the first car had turned around and went back for Micheal, he had his rifle already up, and shot 2 rounds, shattering the cars tinted glass, and incidentally one of them.

Now being able to see the guys in the car, he shot the other 3. He got on his bike and rode off. He had gotten a few more files, and now were in his backpack with the other 2 folders from the day before. He went to the next building. He put 5 rounds into the magazine so it was refilled. He pulled his pistol and walked to the right wall of the building. He holstered his pistol, and pulled out some climbing claws. He clawed his way up to the roof, and got on it.

There he saw the skylights. He looked through one of them and saw the office and the last file he knew he would need, and a possible other one he now planned on taking.

He cut a 2.5 foot diameter hole, and carefully brought the glass up and out. He hooked a carabiner to a rail that was there, and slowly climbed down, now two guards came on, and his boss, well, former boss.

Micheal pulled his handgun and shot the two guards but just pointed it at his boss "what is going on?"

"Don't you know what's going on?" The former boss said smugly, "We are firing all the old staff, there has been a company take over"

Micheal walked backwards, and put his hand on the desk, on the 2 files. "And what about the school?" Micheal was angry. "Why did I find most of the scho..."

Most, most, most. He had said most. He just gave away that there was at least one survivor, and he didn't know if his former boss wanted them all dead.

"What did you say?" The former boss looked even like a smuggler "So there is at least one that was not killed. That is my one pity, you were always the one I could trust to completely finish the tasks."

Micheal then grabbed the files, shot his boss, and climbed like hell. He brought the rope with him, still attached to the rail and went down fast. He saw his bike, but was surrounded by guards.

He shot 3 rounds, hitting 2 of the 5. The 3 started to shoot back with M4 rifles, not giving any time to shoot back. He grabbed his rifle and shot under the wall, in a little hole. Taking out the other 3 with 4 rounds. He hopped on his now blood stained bike. He started it, and drove to the hotel.

He got to the room where Izzy was messing with her Glock 19. Izzy then looked up, and saw the blood and and to him. "Are you ok?"

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