I-is It O-over

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"He was always scared of me" Michael smiled

Izzy grabbed the last thing she was going for as she checked out.

"What car are we using?" izzy looked at michael

"The truck, he's probably got a tracker in the car he sent you in"

"And how did he know where you were?"

"Not 100 percent sure"

"Does he have a tracker on me?" izzy started to look worried

"Maybe, did he give you anything?"

"Nothing like jewelry, and i kinda went out and got my own food"

"Where did you sleep?"

"In a bed he said i could"

"Did you look over your whole body for any weird marks?"

"Haven't had a chance."

"Look yourself over thoroughly in the back seat of the pickup"

Izzy started to get undressed, and looked all over for any weird needle or cut marks.

They got into the farm truck, started off. After about an hour of driving, they heard a huge boom from where they were coming from. Michael started to look back before he was slapped.

"Eyes on the road" came from izzy

"Oh, sorry" Michael got quite

"Uhh, michael, there is a large needle mark on my side"

"Shit, uhh, lets see what i can do"

Michael pulled over, and grabbed pliers, electric fence wire and a large nail in the farm truck. He popped the hood of the truck, wrapping the nail tightly in fence wire. He then wrapped the ends of the wire to the car battery.

"Come out here, make sure not to have anything over the mark" michael told izzy

Izzy came out of the truck nervous. Michael kept his eyes down, putting the electromagnet to the mark. It stuck a little bit.

"What are you doing, Michael?"

"I'm checking if it is there, and I'm trying to screw up the tracker. It's the same thing as why you shouldn't have a magnet near your phone."

"Oh, I see, just be careful, ok?"

"Yea, i will be" Michael ripped the magnet from the truck's battery, and they both got in.

They started on the road, not knowing what to do, Michael kept driving. He drove for several hours, making stops to just get gas. He went back to where it started. He saw his house, riddled with holes from gun fire.

"We need to get that out of you" michael woke Izzy

They went downstairs, to a highly secured, 2 room, panic room. Michael leads izzy to the 2nd room, a medical type room.

"Get on the bed, I'm removing the damn thing, no chances will be taken."

Izzy climbed on the bed, nervous. "Please tell me you have experience"

"I was taught how to do this sorta thing, and have removed several from myself, and have removed too many bullets to count."

Michael grabbed a small stuffed bunny, pulled it from a sealed package and handed it to izzy. "You will want it"

"Aren't we both too old for stuffed animals" izzy snickered

"You are never too old for one when doing surgery awake."

Izzy took the bunny, rolling her eyes at Michael, and layed down. Michael then cut into the skin with a brand new steril knife. He worked quickly, getting a small divise out. Izzy held tightly to the bunny. Michael quickly sewed up the cut, and put a bandage on the cut.

"Michael then went to a drawer and got a small metal and went to the other room. "Just lay there, I'm gonna check my body for anything."

After about 10 minutes, he came back with bandages around his hand.

"I had one in my palm, it looks like an older model, but not old enough for the company to have done." Michael said

"Then who and when?"

"That friend of mine, same time i probably put one in him"

"Wait, do you have one on me?" izzy was slightly worried

"No, but i have one in every one of my guns"

"Like that Glock 19?"


"How often do you check it?"

"Cant, my central systems were destroyed here"

"So you have nothing digital?"

"For the most part, yea"

"For the most part?"

"I can still use things that connect to standard wifi, anyway, we should get going. I already checked, and they ransacked the place."

Izzy got out of bed, still holding the bunny.

"By the way" Michael looked at izzy with a slight smile "i have never had a stuffed animal during any of those, they are for those that are in shock, and we have to remove a bullet or such"

"Really?" Izzy held onto the bunny "well i'm keeping it then"

"Feel free to, i don't need it"

Izzy put the small bunny in her pocket as they walked to the truck. After they got in, Michael started the truck, but only a second a cranking, and then it started to die down. He popped the rood, and realized he probably screwed up the old cheap battery with the electromagnet. Michael slammed the hood, and put his head on the truck.

"I just need to catch a break, just something. A dead truck, guns getting stolen, i don't even know"

Michael then punched the metal hood, making a dent. He started to walk off, hands balled up in a tight fist. Izzy followed, hand ready for her gun. Michael walked over to a motorcycle, an old Honda cruiser, and started to hot wire the bike. He started up the bike, as the owner ran to him

"Hey, what are..." Michael pulled his 1911, and shot the guy.

"Izzy, get out of here, i'm just going to get this over with, im ether going to get my life back, or i'm going to die trying"

Izzy froze, not sure what to do. Thoughts raced through her head. Her hand shook as she put her hand on her pistol, but froze as Michael roared away.

Michael kept the throttle wide open, pushing the old metal. He was furious as he raced to the one location he knew if he crippled, would cripple his company. After he got there, he rigged the throttle to keep going. He jumped off the bike, and ran it through the office doors.

He got up and pulled the th9, shooting the guards coming out of the door. He tucked the pistol into his pocket when the slide locked back. He reached the dead guard, picking up the sub machine gun. He kept going, even as he got shot.

Michael then dropped when a bullet hit his head, not even giving himself enough time to think "it's over". His body twitched a final time. A guard killed his body, and kicked Michael's weapon away from him.

"Hmph, looser" snickered a guard

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