Finally, some good food

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"I only have 20 rounds, so I need cover. If I run out, I would only need 5 rounds, stay at the top of the stairs and keep them down."

They ran up the stairs, as she kept the stairs secured and Michael ran to a window.

Michael aimed his rifle at one of the men, pulling the trigger. The blast of gunpowder, and the bullets crack from breaking the sound barrier could be heard for miles. The bullet had missed, going inches above his head. Michael readjusted in seconds, taking the first guy out. Before he could get a second shot off, the other 3 fired at the house.

When they were reloading, Michael snuck up on the window again, aimed and shot another guy. The last 2 guys got in the van, but as they did, Michael got a shot off at the van, hitting the tire. He then shot the other rear tire, but the van drove off. In one last desperate attempt, he shot at the rim, hitting it, but not doing much.

"We need to get to the stash, and get ready, that can't be it." Michael yelled as he ran down the stairs.

They ran to the bunker, and Michael found a chest rig from his rifle. He threw it on, and shoved several magazines in it, and threw a sling onto the rifle.

"They say to leave around 3-4 days in these scenarios, so we might want to either go 1 or 2 days at most, or we should expect an ambush."

"Who are they?" Izzy asked.

"The people who trained me, they trained the rest of the company, so they set up ambushes according to what they thought I would do."

Michael took a deep breath and grabbed the cheat rig and his rifle. They needed to move quickly. They got Izzy out of there, making her leave the SMG. he resealed and rehid the entrance. They started to walk along the highway.

Michael grabbed a little handheld radio from the bag and started to play some country music.

They kept on walking for several hours, till it was dark.

"We should rest, get a half decent night of sleep." Michael said.

"Where would we do that here?" Izzy asked, confused.

"In the ditch, the grass will have to make a decent mattress" Michael climbed down, as he messed with the tall grass to make a halfway decent, but somewhat hidden place to sleep.

As she followed, Michael had already put his backpack on the ground and started using it as a pillow. When Izzy layed down, Michael wrapped him around her and held her tight.

"You can put your head on my chest if you need a pillow," Michael whispered to Izzy.

"Oh, ok," she put her head on his chest, got comfortable and fell asleep. Michael smiles, quickly following her into a deep sleep.

They woke up as the sun began to shine bright. Michael sat up, letting Izzy sleep a little longer. He pulled out the 1911 from his backpack. He looked at it, removing the old magazine. He felt the old, wood grips, moving his hand along them. He used his thumb to run at a few of the rust spots. He always loved these old pistols, though was never a fan of the minimal capacity.

Michael then put the magazine back into the old gun. He threw it back into his backpack as he looked down at Izzy. Michael gently shook her shoulders to wake her up. Izzy slowly sat up, dazed.

"We should get moving," Michael got up, and helped Izzy up.

They walked up, and started on the walk.

"What's the next part of the plan?" Izzy asked.

"I-I don't know, I don't know where we are." Michael replied, realizing he was truly lost.

"What do you mean you dont know?"

"I have no idea where we are at, we have 2 handguns and a relic from a bygone era as far as weapons, and we don't even have a real way of getting around."

"We are walking, we atleast have a few guns, and we are bound to hit a town at any time."

"Still, we have no clue of anything. They know where we are, and are probably waiting at the next town."

They walked, realizing how outnumbered they were. Their step dragged even more with every step. Michael even put his hand on the m9, realizing there was an easy way out. One more trigger pull, and he'd never have to worry about this again.

Michael then snapped out of it, he needed to keep going. He had to keep Izzy safe, and had to do what he could.

They had finally gotten to a new town. As they walked in, they realized they had not eaten for a few days. Michael then spotted a chinese buffet place. With what strength he had left, he ran to the Chinese place, dragging Izzy along.

"I always hit chinese places if I ever see them, I love them so much," Michael had said with a wide smile.

They got food, both getting as much as their plates could fit. Michael sat down, and shoved his face with food. Hope filled him as much as the food did with every bite he had taken.

Michael threw his hands in the air, quietly yelling. "I feel like I could take on the world right now."

Izzy giggled at Michael as she ate. "So what's the plan?"

"I have no idea yet, '' Michael said with a little too much excitement.

"Well, perfect time to make a plan."

"That it would be once I'm done eating."

They both ate, filling up. As Michael was getting cash out of his bag, 2 teenagers with Old Smith & Wesson .38 police revolvers and a duffel bag came in.

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