Chapter 3

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"I think I applied here," Odessa says as they approach the hospital. It...Is in a sorry state, to say the least. Most of the upper floors are boarded up. Dirty tents, filled with infectious patients, litter the streets, and the sounds of the infirm and dying fill the air... Walker thought the Dispensary was bad, but this? The large scale here at the hospital was nothing, if not depressing.

As they walk, Odessa sucks in a sharp shaky breath as a myriad of different scents assaults her nose. She can smell the different sicknesses radiating off each person they pass; she can smell their personal underlying scent, and above all, calling to her like a dangerous song was the scent of blood. Most of it caused her nose to wrinkle in disgust as it smelled of death and disease, but every so often, she'd catch the scent of a healthy person, though usually, it was from someone wearing a hospital uniform.

This is madness, she thinks as they round a corner, the front gates of the hospital coming into view.

"Dr Reid," she manages, her voice small, as sting gums remind her just how much of a threat she is now. "I..." The little Nurse continues as all colour slowly fades away, the hunger that has threatened her once already after her... her first kill threatens to come back.

Just feet inside the gate, she's pulled off to the side into an empty tent when no one is looking. "The hunger is relentless on the first night," Reid says as he stoops down to her level. "I know it is better to not breathe right now, but humour me, Miss Walker. Take slow deep breaths and try to relax. You did well in Tom's place." He continues as he watches the newborn ekon.

He understands how hard it is. The hunger is unforgiving on the first night, especially when there is no maker to guide the newborn. Honestly, the fact that he had managed alone was a miracle, though he's positive he would not have done so if not for Edgar and Lady Ashbury.

"Has it layed back down?" Jonathan questions as he stands up straight, daring to take her hand and slip it into his arm. The sensation of touching her is... Strange to put it lightly, but from the slight tremble in her body, it's clear she needs something solid to grab onto.

"Um... What do you mean it?" her voice barely a whisper as they carefully move from their hiding spot.

"The hunger... The beast more accurately... I shall explain later, we're almost there, do NOT let go of me, understand?" Reid orders, power dripping lightly in his words, as he offers a big fake smile to his colleagues. There goes my image he pouts as they enter the building.

Despite only having worked here for a short time, he quickly learnt just how much the staff likes to gossip, and nothing is off the table. Least of all, a man of his social standing. At least this should overtake the gossip regarding my... sexual preferences, as if its their business anyway. He hummed to himself as they ascended the stairs.

At the top, they follow the bannister around to a door nestled between two wooden benches. Next to it is a solid steel placard that says, "Administrator, Doctor Edgar Swansea." While keeping hold of Nurse Walker's hand, Jonathan's knuckles rasp a few times against the red oak door.

As Jonathan focuses on Edgar, seconds tick by, eavesdropping through the barrier. When no response comes, despite hearing the muffled curses not intended to be heard by a living person in the hall, Jonathan knocks again. "Doctor Swansea, I know you are in there." He coos with a chuckle as it evokes a loud, surprised oh!

Needing no further permission, Jonathan pushes the door open, finally letting go of the little Nurse before gesturing her through. "Terribly sorry to bother you, my friend." Reid muses, shutting the door behind him. His office is always so cosy, he thinks as he watches the nurse step further into the room, taking it all in.

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