Chapter 5

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It had taken the pair three nights to draw up a "plan of attack," so to speak.

During their rounds, each would off-handedly ask if anything "odd" had been seen or heard over the course of the last week.

With her status as a nurse, Odessa could tend to patients around her coworkers, and many, unless they needed something, would pay her no mind as they chatted among themselves. While Jonathan was better suited to getting information from the patients. Despite his imposing stature, he was a doctor, and many saw him as trustworthy for his title alone.

By the end of her two-hour "wandering," absent-mindedly checking different patients and listening to the idle chatter of colleagues, she had a lot of information, yes, but none of that information was... Useful... Although that depended greatly on who you asked.

Odessa had learnt some fellow Nurses were extorting money from patients, making them pay for a bed. She had learnt that Thelma believed vampire hunters were after her and that a patient wasn't receiving the care he needed, as his case was being fought over by two different practitioners who could not agree on the means to treat the man... Oh, not only that, but Dorothea had not been seen in the last 48 hours, though Odessa had a good idaea of where she was.

All right, I should return to the room, see if... "Hello Mister Hampton, what can I do for you?" She pauses, turning to face the bloke who had approached her, his body wrapped in a blanket. Looking so much worse than he had in their room three nights ago.

"I hate to be a bother Nurse, but I'm having a bit of trouble getting some sleep."

"Of course Sir, please, return to your cot and I'll be over in a moment."

Walker's arms crossed as she stands in front of the medical cabinet, trying to remember how tall Sean was and how much he weighed. But even if she knew off the top of her head, it wasn't like she could just pull his file, let alone give him medication. It was different at the night shelter and dispensary, but here she had to abide by the rules.

Curse the confines of my status... Strickland was nice enough, as well as Tippet's, but the man was a bit spacey. She could ask Doctor Ackroyd, but she wanted to spend as little time as possible with him. There was Jonathan, who was doing his own investigations... That left... Edgar.

Not wasting any more time, Walker makes a beeline to the administrator's office, only knocking after finding his heartbeat inside.

"Doctor Swansea? It's Nurse Walker, a word please?" She calls through the door after rasping on it a few times with her knuckles. His muffled come in come in , brings a fang-filled smile to her face, as there is no need to hide her true self in front of the man.

"Your office is always so warm Edgar." She purrs, closing the door behind her. "Look... I need a favor."

"I hope it is warm Odessa, I've never been a fan of the cold, you know? So, kiddo what can I help you with?" He questions, placing the skull he was talking to on a shelf.

"It's Sean. He's having issues sleeping, and seeing as it's not my place, I can not get his file to give him a dose of chloral hydrate... I also do not know his height and weight off the top of my head." Odessa says, watching as the stout man moves from the bookshelf he was in front of to a filing cabinet after a few moments.

"Normally I would not allow a Nurse to prescribe medication Odessa, but Jonathan tells me you did quite a lot of self-study, yes? If..." He digs through a few different files as he talks, letting out a soft ah ha , after finding what he was looking for. "As I was saying, if you can tell me how much a man standing.... at 5'9, weighing in at 11.78 stone, should be prescribed. I will personally sign any medication you wish to give out in the future... But you only get one attempt."

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