Chapter 24

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The next day, Wahid left for his work as usual, before leaving he glanced at his wife, who was still sleeping soundly on the bed which was unusual for her, clutching his pillow, he had to pick her up to lie on the bed as she had refused to sleep beside him unless he has accepted her fully,

"That day is still miles away, dumbass" he whispered and suddenly kissed her forehead, which made him shocked, he frowned and wiped his lips before leaving.

'His words and actions do not match Imaan thought when she finally broke out of her fake slumber, but she soon realised one thing,

'he kissed me! Oooooh has he finally accepted me? Omg! I need to go pray all day! I'm so happy! What miles! It's just in the metres! Maybe centimetres! Well maybe not but still!'

Imaan blushed as she touched her forehead with a bewitched look on her face.

She freshened up and went downstairs to cook for him, while her mind and heart were filled with him.

'he probably skipped breakfast as usual! He doesn't care for his health at all! Work work work! What if our future children followed his examples and became like him? Hm careless man, he better straightens up his food habits after having kids'

While she was thinking of him, Wahid was in his company, and he was too, thinking of her, and kissing her felt so natural and even made him happy, but still, he can't accept it.

'Happy? It's probably her doing! She must've done something to me! Like Black magic! Ye! Ali was correct, women are indeed witches!'

Oh, Ali! He quickly called his dandy friend, knowing that he'll be free as always, with no responsibility and no company or wife to stress about, he spends his time with different girls and cars every day.

Razzak has always hated him and adviced Wahid to stay from that rebellious child but Wahid stayed friends with him, just to irritate his father, to be honest, he likes Ali for living his dream life, the life he wanted to live,

Ali picked up the phone on the third ring and shouted excitedly

"Wahid! My bro! What's up? How's married life haan? You finally remembered your best friend after all this time? Did you forget me after seeing your wife? Did you forget 'bros before ho-

"Shut up" Wahid interrupted him rolling his eyes, "I need your help"

"Hm, lemme think, No! I'll not help your rude ass"

"Jeez, come over to my office at lunch, if you don't then I'll tell your father about your recent rendevous with that new celebrity, you know I will," Wahid said with a smirk on his face, knowing that he'll agree,

"Ah alright, you got me" Ali hung up the phone and stared at the screen angrily,

"What a jerk, he's probably on his period"

Afternoon came and Imaan was waiting for Wahid to come and accompany her for lunch as he usually did, she cooked all his favorite dishes and was staring at the door anxiously, awaiting his presence she laid her head on the table.

At the same time, Wahid was having lunch with Ali, as he talked to him about his relationship troubles,

"I think I might like her, but I don't want to, you get what I'm saying? She's not a bad person but still, something is holding me back, I can't find a fault in her character, I mean she's amazing I guess but still, I don't know man"

Ali started at him weirdly

'what a dumbass' he thought, even though his friend is hardworking and handsome, he's still don't know anything about relationships,

"Bro, the hell bro? If you like her, then be with her! You know how hard it is to find a girl that you like and not hate?"

"I know but still. I don't like this commitment thing, what if I don't like her anymore?"

"Just give her a chance, didn't you say she's amazing? Then just give it a try, I mean, aren't you already married"

Wahid thought about it and sighed, maybe he should give her a chance like he said, what's there to lose anyway.

"Alright, thanks Ali, and hey, what's up with you? You look put together for once" Wahid said as he noticed his decent attire, which made him look like a gentleman for once.

Ali smirked as he was reminded of his recent crush, who made him like this,

"You remember that little celebrity? Well she's going to be my little lady soon and to woo her I'm pretending to be a good guy"

Wahid laughed as he heard this, of course, his playboy friend will change his style to woo a girl, she'll probably last a bit longer if he's putting on more effort.

"You idiot, your character is known all over the country, you think she does not know about you? All decent girls are afraid to be associated with you" he said mockingly making his friend slightly annoyed.

"Whatever asshole, Imma leave, don't call me again," Ali said as he gave him a middle finger and left the office.

'what a jerk'

Wahid left his office at 5°clock and reached his home, he sat inside his car for a while, thinking about how he should approach her,

'well, I already decided to give her a chance, why hesitate now'

He straightened his tie and entered the house, there he saw his wife pitifully sleeping while sitting at the dining table, he walked towards her and noticed the untouched food on the table, he angrily woke her up, shaking her shoulders,

Imaan woke up abruptly and stared at her husband in a daze,

"Have you not eaten yet? Are you on a diet or something?" Wahid asked in a pissed-off mood not realising that she had been waiting for him,

Flinching at his harsh voice, Imaan's eyes watered, Wahid stared at her in wonder until she blinked and a tear fell out of her eyes,

Realising his mistake, he wiped her tears away and connected his forehead to hers and whispered "I'm sorry"

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