Chapter 15

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Imaan got ready in a typical black Abaya and her now favourite white scarf which she kept without any stain for a surprisingly long time after her long wedding haul,

While she was getting ready Wahid was drowning in guilt he knows that he'd done worse to her but he couldn't help but feel guilty when he got her hurt,

One time while playing dodgeball at school he threw the ball at Imaan with such force that she got knocked out for the whole day and he didn't even feel guilty but now he felt different but he promised himself this will be the last time he'll hurt her,

Last time he'll feel anything for her except hatred

'Anything but hatred' he chanted in his mind

Imaan as always with a smile on her face ran to Wahid like an excited child who ate a lot of sugar,

"Let's gooo!!"

Wahid scowled at her and rolled his eyes before taking his car keys and going downstairs not even asking her to follow,

Imaan shrugged and followed him like a lost puppy,

She felt hurt whenever he ignored her or treated her like an unwanted pimple on his face but she couldn't help but forgive him every single time

She was raised like that

'forgive and forget' she remembered her mother telling this to the 10-year-old Imaan when she came to her mother crying that her brother hurt her with his harsh words like "annoying monkey" and "torturing chatterbox" and hurt her physically in the arm,

But her father had other opinions

'forgive but never forget because only fools forget' her father corrected her mother which earned a scowl from her which he pretended like he didn't notice

Imaan was confused between these two but finally decided that her father was right after all he was a successful man while she was a submissive woman

She loved her mother but she doesn't want to live the life her mother lives

The submissive life

She wanted to be like her father strong and successful unlike her mother weak and submissive
she promised herself that she'll never be like her mother so she smiled and hugged her father before saying

"You are right father we should forgive but never forget," She said grinning while her father looked at her proudly ruffling her hair while her mother looked at her in sympathy,

They were kids for god's sake! And at the end of the day they're still siblings who always fight, why does it have to be such a serious thing anyway!

Imaan remembered the incident that happened long years ago it was fresh in her memory but the promise that she made to herself was long broken after her marriage or before when she gave up her dreams,

She realised that she was indeed becoming her mother which she swore she'll never be when she was little,

But times change and so is she

She changed and now she was almost exactly like her mother

Realising this Imaan frowned she didn't want to be like her mother but soon shrugged it's not like she have any choice and honestly didn't care anymore,

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