Chapter 25

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Imaan stared at him blankly, not comprehending his words,

"What?" she asked

"I said I'm sorry"


"Nevermind, just tell me, why haven't you eaten yet? Do you know what time it is?"

"I was waiting for you" Imaan replied nervously, she herself lost track of time while sleeping, she would absolutely not skip lunch, she isn't like her irresponsible husband who would skip his breakfast,

She fidgeted in her seat as she realised how close he was to her, he was bending over, connecting their foreheads, she quickly touched her face examining for any dirt or drool, but Wahid quickly caught her wondering hand and sighed with exhaustion,

"You shouldn't wait for me, Imaan, me coming late will be more common since the company is getting busier" he blatantly lied, not exposing the fact that he had lunch with his friend and has neglected to inform her,

"But, I want to wait for you" Imaan also lied nervously, she couldn't possibly say that she has accidentally slept waiting for him, so why not make it into an advantage,

'I'm so smart, reading those internet advice columns really made me like this'

"You! Why are you so stubborn, ah you leave me no choice then, from tomorrow onwards, I'll come in time for lunch alright?"

"Really? Ahhh you are the best!" She hugged him impulsively which made his eyes widen in shock,

"Dumbass, let go of me," he said prying her off his arms, while she pouted and moved away from him,

"Come, let's eat"

The pair of husband and wife ate their lunch in the evening, one for the second time in a day, Wahid felt like he couldn't move after having two hearty meals, he glanced at his wife who was skipping around in the kitchen washing the dishes,

'she's so light weighted' he thought, not so many people can skip around after eating a large meal,

Imaan noticed his stare and coyly smiled at him, to which he smiled back, making her heart full,

'he's so cute!! I love his smile, he looks so innocent!'

The couple then went back to their room, Imaan was surprised when she saw him following and moved back to give him space, he looked at her questioningly,

"Hmph! I don't want to be shoved again" she replied grumpily not forgetting the incident,

Wahid guiltily touched his nose not expecting her to hold a grudge

"I'm sorry, no shoving anymore, alright?"

"It's not every day that I can hear a sorry from you, so hm apology is accepted!" Imaan replied, easily forgiving him, it's hard for her to hold a grudge for a long time anyways,


Wahid went to his bed after taking his laptop and started working, Imaan rolled her eyes at his habit, she suddenly remembered that she hadn't prayed yet, and ran to the bathroom to do ablution, he glanced at her speeding to the bathroom confused until he saw her coming back and hurriedly putting on her praying attire,

'ah! I forgot how religious she is'

His gaze was filled with envy as he saw her pray, how many days has it been since he had last prayed? It annoyed him to see someone else pray when he himself had not,

Imaan finished her prayer and looked up at him from her prayer mat,

"Have you prayed?" she asked casually fully knowing that he probably had not

"None of your business" he replied just as casually fully knowing that she knows he had not

"I've noticed that they're building a masjid nearby! It's almost fully finished, it'll be easy for you to attend Friday prayers from on!" Imaan said excitedly ignoring his grumpy expression,

He rolled his eyes at her but seriously contemplated her words inside his mind,

'it wouldn't hurt to pray for once I guess' he thought

Imaan didn't realise she made such an impact on him with her words but she hoped and prayed with all her heart for him to go to the straight part, she knows how important praying is, missing a prayer is like the greatest sin in her book.

After having dinner when the couple was ready to sleep, Imaan tapped his shoulders grabbing his attention,

"What do you want?" Wahid asked looking at her,

"Can I go outside tomorrow? Pleeaseee, I feel trapped staying inside this humongous house all day!" Imaan asked pleadingly, fluttering her lashes, she learned from the internet that, men liked lashes fluttering and hoped it would help her in this situation,

Annoyed by her request he wanted to shrug her off but stopped and thought over her request, he disliked her going out but won't it drive her crazy if she stays at home all day? What does she do all day anyways?

'hm, maybe she thinks of me all day, pitifully staring at the door, awaiting my presence' the image of her waiting for him warmed his heart,

'that's right! She should be like that, am I not her husband? Her duty is to wait for me, why even bother going outside? Maybe it's because I haven't taken her out for a while. Ah, that's it! Women are attention-seeking creatures, hm maybe after the important meeting, I'll take her to her father's house  Wahid thought seriously, so he glanced at her pleading face and said,

"No, be obedient and stay at home, don't even think of going outside"

The words hurt her deeply as she realised that she was under his control, going outside is only a dream, maybe she got the courage to ask after he gave her a phone, but oh well, having a phone without a sim card and going outside isn't the same thing anyways.

Imaan realised her eyes were starting to water and quickly hid her face away from him, Wahid didn't notice anything weird and started to doze off while his wife was weeping beside him, she so badly wanted to go outside and see nature, she has many dreams of travelling the earth, at a very young age she was very determined to become like 'Dora the explorer' but she didn't realise at that time that it's something that she'll never be, forgot travelling the earth, she can't even go to the nearby grocery store,

'It is not fair

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