You Need Elements Not Excuses

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The majority of us navigate life concealing our true desires, ambitions, and dreams, masking our aspirations as if in a hypnotic trance. We often feel like we're sleepwalking through existence, negating our aspirations, and fabricating excuses that thwart our yearnings. We find ourselves stuck, frozen behind the word "but," a powerful dream-slayer that fuels fear and rationalizes our inaction.

"But" becomes a barricade, an obstacle that keeps us confined to a realm of safety, where we tip-toe through life, silently inching toward an early grave. We restrain ourselves, clutching onto ideas we never manifest and holding back on pursuits due to our fear of taking risks. Sadly, many decline opportunities without truly comprehending what they're turning down.

We've all encountered those who cite past attempts that didn't pan out as grounds for permanent retreat. They perceive these setbacks as justification for never trying again. But failure in an endeavor doesn't equate to becoming a failure as a person. There's a stark disparity between experiencing defeat and being defined by it. Struggles or setbacks don't define your essence; they merely represent moments in your journey.

Even if things don't align as anticipated or outcomes fall short, that doesn't diminish your worth. It's crucial to differentiate between personal identity and the results achieved. Every outcome, positive or otherwise, is a lesson and not a verdict on one's character.

To navigate this maze of "buts" and limitations, it's essential to seize the moment and work with what resources are available. There's always room for growth and improvement, regardless of where one stands. Recognize that you deserve to pursue more and experience life to its fullest extent.

You need to liberate yourself from the confinement of "but." Embrace the courage to pursue your aspirations without letting setbacks define your worth. Take steps, no matter how small, towards what you desire. Life's journey is about learning, evolving, and experiencing more than what's comfortable or expected.

When you're hustling to make your dreams a reality, there'll be countless moments when you feel like throwing in the towel. Life's curveballs can hit you unexpectedly, leaving you bruised and disheartened. But the real test lies in holding on, persevering through those tough times. Because, believe me, if you keep holding on, the universe tends to support your efforts.

The thing is, if you're not actively chasing your dreams, if you're not taking that leap to truly live your life, if you're not confronting your fears or embracing the opportunities that come your way, things won't magically fall into place. You've got to live out what's burning inside you. Life is incredibly short and wildly unpredictable. But what's the common excuse we use?

We often say, "But there's always tomorrow!" But truthfully, tomorrow isn't promised. There's no guarantee you'll have another chance to pursue what you're postponing.

Excuses are everywhere, giving us reasons why we can't move forward, grow, or step into our potential. They whisper, "It's not worth it," and provide a seemingly valid rationale for staying put. But when the opportunity arises, it might appear daunting, even shouting at you to retreat. However, if you've ever thought about doing something, it's time to face it head-on.

Because once you take that step, once you live out your dream, your life changes fundamentally. But here's the kicker: is it possible to turn all your dreams into reality? Yes, it is. But the pivotal question isn't about the dreams themselves – it's about whether you've made the decision to pursue them.

Imagine your favorite books like "It Ends With Us." Just like those characters making tough choices and standing up for what they believe in, you have the power to steer your life toward your dreams. It's about making those decisions and taking those steps, even when it feels scary or uncertain. It's about living authentically and embracing the unknown, because that's where the magic of life truly unfolds.

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