Diet For Your Mind

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Think of your mind as this incredible garden, and your thoughts are like seeds you're planting. When you're on a mental diet, you're essentially the gardener who carefully tends to this garden. Your job? To spot those pesky weeds of negative thoughts, pull them out, and replace them with the beautiful flowers of your desired affirmations.

Let's say you're manifesting your soulmate. You'd be all about affirming stuff like "I'm happily in a relationship with my soulmate" or "My soulmate and I have an incredible bond."

But hold up! While you're planting these positive thoughts, sometimes these sneaky little doubts creep in – thoughts like "You haven't even met them yet" or "Why is it taking so long?" or "Where are they hiding?"

You are now the mental gardener. Your job is to swap those doubtful thoughts with positive affirmations. You'd respond to those doubts by saying things like "I've already found my soulmate" and "My manifestations are always on point."

What about this mental diet thing?
It's not a quick fix; it's a lifestyle change. Once you dive in, you're committed – there's no turning back. But here's the cool part: as you get the hang of it, your mind starts doing it automatically, almost like a reflex.

Now, if keeping a constant check on your thoughts seems like a challenge initially, here's a trick: tell your mind that negative assumptions just don't fly with you. Your mind knows the deal between what's negative and positive, so use that to your advantage. Affirm something like "My mind rejects negativity automatically" or simply "I attract only good vibes."

Summing it up:

Your dominant thoughts are like those affirmations you repeat constantly.
Your mind? It's this powerhouse of imagination, your 4D reality.
The things you affirm become assumptions, and these assumptions mold your 3D reality – basically, your current life.

Your inner chatter (dominant thoughts) are the affirmations you keep repeating. These affirmations turn into assumptions, which eventually solidify into beliefs, shaping the experiences you have in your life right now.

So a mental diet is all about mastering your thoughts, kicking out the negativity, and welcoming in those positive affirmations to build the reality you truly desire. It might take some practice, but once you're in the groove, it's like unlocking this amazing power to transform your life.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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