50 / Little Red Killing Wolf

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Emotions were thrown into a hat and offered for the siblings to dip their hands in. They could pull one out and try it on for a few heartbeats, before discarding it and checking out another. All the intentions they had were fine but, once Amy had agreed to them, they were finally free to wash through the trio in a rush of sensations that they weren't prepared for.

None of them knew what to say immediately. They'd been busy trying to talk Amy around to saying yes, however they had yet to see where they might go afterwards. Their plans to kill her father or confront him seemed nonsensical now they were able to go ahead with it. Though Amy's agreement wasn't necessarily required, they felt better knowing they had it.

But what now?

"What do we do?" Cassidy asked. "How are we going to make him pay?"

With a mutual, unspoken consensus of forgetting about their previous proposals, Ethan shrugged.

"We're shit," said Jazz. "All bravado and no bollocks."

"I don't see you coming up with anything," complained Ethan.

"I'm including myself in that!"

"Let's ask Amy," Cassidy said. "Maybe she can think of something."

Jazz and Ethan nodded, and they all turned to the mirror.

"Amy, what do you think we should do to your father?"

Kill him.


Ethan and Jazz stared at each other. Cass couldn't take his eyes off the words on the mirror. It was so blunt. So final. The former pleas to hold back and not get involved were gone. She'd made her decision. Now, they had to follow through with their insistence on helping.

"She did say 'please'," Jazz said jauntily. She shrugged her shoulder. "How can we say no?"

"Fair point," said Ethan. "Manners go a long way."

Cassidy shook his head.

"Are you two nuts?"

"What do you mean?" Jazz asked, frowning.

"Are we really going to do this? Kill a man?"

"Fuck Face, this was all your idea in the first place. You involved us. You can't back down now."

"I'm not going to back down. I'm not. It's just... And I know he deserves it... But it's murder!"

"Is it, though?" Ethan asked.

"What? Oh course it is!"

"But, is it? He's a killer. Is it murder to kill him? Is it murder in war, when a soldier shoots another one? Is it murder when a child molester or gang rapist gets the electric chair?"

"But... they're, like, justified."

"Isn't this?"


"Well, he's a killer. A serial killer, or spree or mass. I forget the difference. It doesn't matter which. The point is, he took the life of your girlfriend and dumped her in a ditch. Fuck knows what he did to her mum. And fuck knows how many times he's done it before or since."

"I know. I do."

"So don't wimp out on us, bro."

Ethan stepped forward and placed his hand on his brother's shoulder.

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