Chapter 7 - Eye of The Tiger

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A knock came to Omega's door the next morning.

"Hey Omega, open up, we're goin out." Uyama's voice rang through the door.

"Why? Where are we going?" Omega hurriedly opened the door.

"This city is surrounded by a good bit of desert in the north, I thought it'd be a good idea to discuss things there as well." Uyama grabbed his car keys and opened the door," Enjō, come on!". Rumbling could be heard from the other room. Omega got dressed and waited outside of the apartment room with Uyama

Enjō came to the door in a white tanktop, black shorts, and flip flops. Omega raised an eyebrow.

Uyama looked down at Omega," Oh! I'll explain that later," Uyama motioned them to come along.

As they got in the car, Omega sat in the backseat. From behind Enjō, he noticed his bulging shoulders past the seat.

"When did Enjō get muscles?" He asked whilst feeling his own squishy muscles.

"Oh," Enjō tilted his head to look at Omega, "You mean these?" Enjō lifted his arm and flexed.

"Got these for self defense. I used to get bullied so I started working out." He smirked.

"I used to have quite the muscles back when I was in the army. I'd say even better than his," Uyama said as he started the car.

A tune started playing as the car turned on. "Oh yeah," Uyama started to drive, "This is the song."

Is this music? Omega thought to himself.

He tried to analyze the song, trying to make sense of the funky melodies and soulful sounds.

"I don't get it," Omega stared blankly.

"There's no getting Spade Mask," Enjō started to bop his head, " The Spade Mask's supposed to get you.

Omega crossed his arms and let it be, as the others kept on grooving.

After some time passed, they made it to the small desert.

"I made sure to pack extra water in case we get extra thirsty," Uyama got out of the car.

"Why are we here actually?" Omega asked.

"We're gonna train!" Enjō yelped as he rushed out of the car.

Omega got out of the car, immediately feeling the heat, he started to scratch the skin of his arm.

The desert was covered in rock formations and a leveled field.

"You're up first Omega," Uyama turned around and walked towards him. He put his fists up and asked,"You got powers, but can you beat me hand to hand?"

Before Omega could react, Uyama had landed his fist into Omega's shoulder, budging him backwards.

He gasped," What? What is this training about?!" Omega held his shoulder and backed up.

"We have to know if you can handle a fist fight," Uyama started," Superpowers or not, fights tend to end with fist to fists if it's even."

Uyama continued to approach Omega, who had now assumed a defensive stance. Uyama threw a left jab to his head, Omega moved his hand to block it, but Uyama's fist stopped directly in his face.

"Damn, you need some work." Uyama sighed as he relaxed his fist.

"I can teach him!" Enjō ran over with a water bottle.

Settling the bottle down, he smirked," Alright, let's start with some offensive."

After some training, Omega and Enjō decided it was time to move on from close combat.

"Can we move on to something else?" Omega panted on the ground, his blue t-shirt turned dark blue from his sweat.

"Alright then, we'll work on your physical another time," Uyama snickered," Wanna see the extent of your powers right now?"

Omega nodded his head while on his knees.

"You see that huge boulder over there?" Uyama pointed at a crevice with a large boulder in the middle. "Go ahead and try to lift it up."

Enjō put his hands on his hips and watched from afar. Omega got up from the ground and pointed his hand at the boulder.

The boulder began to shake, and as Omegas hand went up, the boulder sluggishly followed before collapsing back into the crevice.

"Impressive..." Uyama murmured while scratching his stubbled beard,"...And that's without emotional stimulus."

"Keep at it Omega, try to get it out of the crevice. That should be fine," Uyama walked away towards Enjō.

Omega looked back, clenching his teeth and furrowing his eyebrows. Uyama noticed and threw a water bottle behind his head," There you go, grumpy." After Omega caught it he turned back around.

As Omega kept trying to move the boulder, Uyama decided to train Enjō.

"Hey Enjō, do you think you can try it again this time? It may be harder because it's hot." Uyama asked as he walked behind him.

"Uh, sure," Uyama held both of his hands out, palm forward. Sparks sprouted from his palms and soon a fire a dark reddish fire started burning on his hands. He immediately brought his other hand to his palm. The dark fire moved up to the other hand, merging the fires together. It started to change into a round, spherical shape. As he tried to hold it in that form, the sphere started bulging and then burst apart, the flames dying away.

"10 seconds," Uyama walked beside him.

"Ugh, that's not enough," Enjō rested his hot hands on his dreaded hair.

"It's definitely enough Enjō, when would you be preparing that attack for more than 10 seconds?"

Enjō blew on his hot hands,"You'll see-"

Enjō was interrupted by a loud crash that rang throughout the desert.

Uyama jumped," What was that?!"

"Omega must'a done it!" Enjō hollered as he ran to Omega's location.

Omega was laid out on the sandy earth, gasping for air.

"Hey!" Enjō yelled," You alright man?!" Enjō grabbed the water bottle Uyama left and made Omega drink it.

Damn, his forehead still looks veiny, he needs to chill out in the car.

"Yo 'yama! I'm bringing him back to the car." Enjō picked Omega up and ran back to the road.

Uyama finally caught up and searched the terrain for the boulder.

"What the..." Uyama wondered," Where is it? Where did it go?"

He squinted his eyes, looking afar, he saw a crater in the ground. He jogged towards it to get a closer look.

"I must've already gone 150 meters..." Uyama gasped for air," Just how much did he exceed expectations?"

As he laid sight on the boulder, he noticed the dust was still settling.

"Goo-good god..." Uyama stuttered,"... He threw that shit like a football."

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