(9) Just another day in Forks.... Right?

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It's been a little bit since the wolf incident and,
Everyone is getting along (for the most part)
Bella hasn't had any problems with any cliff's which leads me to believe that maybe for once Alice wasn't right....

And I haven't had a nightmare or dizzy spell in a couple weeks!
But that's about the only somewhat positive thing that's happened lately...
Harry Clearwater passed away...
They say it was a heart attack but I know it was Victoria.
It fills me with anxiety just thinking about how close she is...

This attack hits too close to home,
I grew up with Seth and Leah and Harry was like an uncle to me....
Not to mention the effect this has had on my dad.

-early enough in the morning-

" morning." Bella called from the kitchen sink as I enter
"Morning.." I yawn
As I shuffle over to the kitchen table to sit down.
"Soooo I was going to just be with Jake today, would you like to join?" She proposes as she sits down in front of me and hands me a coffee
"No.. not today... but you two be safe ." I say tiredly
"Oh? Tired are we? that's OK I'll tell Jake you send your regards." She responded grabbing her bag and heading to the door
"Yes you do that!" I say not even looking at her just flailing my hand around in the air giving her a thumbs up as I hear the door close.

-Time skip-

As I'm looking though my book shelf checking if I have any books I forgot to finish, and I come across the vampire diaries book that Rosalie got me for my birthday.... I haven't picked it up since I got it,
I guess I've been so busy with everything I haven't had the time to read it....

After I make myself comfortable in my blanket cocoon, I open the book and on the first page in Rosaline's hand writing there was an note that read..
Dear, Willow

By the time you read this we will probably be gone,
And I know us just up and leaving without explanation is a horrible thing for us to do, but it was for our safety and yours.
But if you could find it in your heart to forgive us to forgive me.... It would mean the world.

Forever by your side... Rosalie - AND THE REST OF US TO

I just stared at the page... that's all I could do
In every corner of the page there was a red heart drawn obviously by Alice and that last part the handwriting was definitely Emmett...
I stared at it until a tear I didn't know was there fell onto the page..
I quickly looked up and wiped my tears away.
I shut the book and headed to the kitchen to get a snack.

-Time skip-

It is around 3:30 now and I'm just sitting in the living room watching tv when there's a knock at the door.
"I coming one second!!" I yell already halfway to the door

I open the door and before I can even process what I'm seeing two arms are wrapped around me in a python like death grip but it's comforting I know exactly who it is...

"Alice..." I whisper hugging her back
"Willow." She whispers before loosening her grip slowly until she's just holding me an arms length away,
"What.... What are you doing here?" I asked a little confused about her sudden appearance

She looks at me with sad eyes, there's a look to them... one I don't like.
like she knows something I don't..... BELLA!
my brain reminds me of what I saw a few weeks back.
"No. No. No. It- it can't be true..." I whisper shaking my head refusing to believe
I grab Alice by the arm and pull her upstairs to my room.

The second I shut the door Alice asks
"Do you know?" Softly like the wind blowing through the trees
"Yes..." I respond quietly still facing the door
"How?" She questions
"I DON'T KNOW!" I yell
I take a deep breath and recollect myself
"I- I don't know... Alice I'm scared.." Was all I could choke out through my silent sobs
"Oh sweet heart..." Alice uttered as she pulled me into another softer hug
"Shhhh it's alright.." she soothed sitting me down on the bed.

Crimson eyes (Caius volturi x Bella's sister-Twilight)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora