(19) Schools in session {Multi Pov}

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(Willow pov)
"I did it!" I exclaimed, leaning back in my chair.
"After three painstaking hours of writing and failing
I finally have the perfect letter!" I cheered
"Congratulations..." Afton muttered
"You know for a vampire you're always tired." I joke
"Right!" He agrees laughing
I check over the letter once more.

Dear Caius,

                    I believe that this letter is well over do and I apologize for not reaching out sooner, however I was happy to hear from Marcus! And you will definitely see me at the ball, the Cullens however are still unsure.

                       I would also like to apologize about earlier this week if it caused you anywhere as close to as much pain it caused me, I'm so sorry Caius truly and if this apology isn't to your standers I'm more then happy to apologize in person.
I would also appreciate if it's possible I would like to spend some time to get to know you better. Maybe you could show me your favourite places, and I promise to do the same if you visit Forks.

Sincerely, Willow Swan

It wasn't much but what else was I gonna write about, the fact that I dream about him, crave his touch, and see his eyes poring into mine whenever I close my eyes... DON'T THINK SO!
"What do you think?" I ask, handing Afton the letter
"Doesn't matter what I think Will.." Afton mumbled rolling over on my bed to read it,
I giggle at the tired vampire who is now squinting at the paper in his hand
"Oh he's going to love the apology, he loves when people grovel." He said with a laugh

"I thought that much." I mumbled into my tea cup
"Hey fill it back up?" He says, absently waving his cup around in the air, I giggle at the vampires antics.
"Sooo, you excited to see your mate or what? I for one can't wait to meet her." I say to him,
"Oh I'm excited. This is some pretty good writing by the way." He said handing the letter back to me
"Thank you." I say smugly
"Whatever..." he joked rolling his eyes, and reaching over pushing me playfully

"Do you think it's smart... going to a vampire ball I mean." I ask him, flopping down on my bed beside him
"Well for a normal human... No but! Your different little Miss bleeds without vampires noticing." He replied
"Fare enough." I agree
"Sooo, what are you wearing?" He asked
"Pyjama's." I say, gesturing to myself

"No! Oh my Lord! Too the ball!" He laughs
"Ooooh! I was thinking about that dress you made me get." I said to him
"No." He said sourly
"What do you mean?" I question
"Girl! That is an evening gown. You need a ball gown." He explains
"Oh." I say quietly
"Not to be rude but you don't have many options here... we'll wait and get you one in Italy! Oh and Chelsea can help!" He planed

"Dude I'm actually broke.." I reminded him
"And your also literally mated with a vampire king, I truly don't know how you forget that." He sassed
I simply roll my eyes and watch as he grabs the dirty dishes and heads for the door,
"Anyways get some sleep we have school tomorrow." He reminds me
"Oh yeah." I say like I didn't forget about it
He simply rolled his eyes and smiled, as he left my room turning off the lights as he did.

I stare at my ceiling covered in childish glowing stars, I smiled thinking about how long it took me to put them up in the form of the consolation Draco.
I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

-Time skip-
(Afton pov)

Technically today is my first day of school in a very long time, luckily being a vampire has its perks, I can cheat on a test and no one would know,
I was in the kitchen making breakfast when I heard all three alarm clocks go off in the house.

I smirked and sat down at the table and waited because I was already ready for the day.
The first Swan to arrive in the kitchen was Charlie fallowed by a very sleepy Willow, no sight of Bella thank goodness.
"Afton again! Oh man! You know one of these days I'd like to meet your dad and shake his hand for raising such an amazing kid!" Charlie said poring himself a cup of coffee
"You know you really don't have to cook all the time." He adds ruffling my hair as he sits down

"It's my pleasure really." I reply politely with a smile
"Kiss ass..."Willow mutters under her breath, pouring her coffee into a travel mug.
I glare at her, but I turn my gaze when I hear the stairs creek.
"Good morning Bella." I say to the girl who was trying to sneak past me
"How long are you planning to stay here?" She asks dryly

"Bella! He's our guest." Charlie chastised
"Sorry..." she grumbled
"Hey we should leave now if you want me to show you around the school." Willow chimed in
I turned to face her only to see her glaring at Bella,
"Yeah I'd like that... Bella are you joining us?" I add
"No I'm fine... Edward is picking me up." She says quickly as she leaves the kitchen.

"Well then, me and Afton are gonna leave if he's ready?" Willow said grabbing her bag
"Yep all set!" I reply picking up my backpack (that I bought last night)
"Alrighty. Bye dad." She said quickly hugging him
"See you later Charlie." I say grabbing the truck keys and waving goodbye.
"Bye Will, see ya Afton." Charlie says as we leave the house.

"Pass the keys- JESUS!" Willow exclaims
I jump, but quickly run to where she was standing.
"Dimitri? What are you doing here?" I question my friend.
"To check in and to see if there is any mail to be delivered." He replied
"Caius is getting impatient huh?" Willow giggled
This caused Dimitri to smile,
"You really won the lottery with this mission, even though you messed it up." He remarked, running his hand through his hair.

"Hey look I was just checking on her! I didn't know she would wake up!"I argued
"Well I mean you could of easily hid."Willow added
"Hey! You're supposed to be on my side!" I whine
"No, no she has a point." Dimitri smirked
"You shush!" I snap, pointing my finger at him
" we have to get to school, but if you could give this to Caius, and this to Marcus." Willow asks Dimitri handing him two letters

" I didn't know you wrote one for Marcus." I inquired.
"Yeah I thought he deserved a reply." She shrugged as she took the keys from my hand and hopped into the truck.
" I'll see you again soon, Dimitri." I say too him, getting into the truck
"Tah tah." He says waving his hand
"Alright here we go!" Willow says starting the truck
"Bye Dimitri!" She smiles, waving to him as she leaves the driveway.

-Time skip-
(Willow pov)

"And that is our school!" I say as I finish the tour
"Very nice." Afton says,
I had shown him, his locker, classrooms, where the cafeteria is, and now we are back outside because we can be.
"Yeah and basically- oh shoot! Hide it's Bella's squad!" I say quickly, pulling him behind a car
" I thought you liked the Cullens?" he whispered.
" it's not the Cullens it's the other ones..." I replied
"I see... wait you mean the guy that walked up to us the other day?" he asked.
" yes, Mike, Jessica and everybody!" I whisper yell

"And why do you dislike them?" He asks quietly as they walk past
"I don't. I just really don't want to deal with Mike this early in the morning and Eric with try to put you in the school paper." I explained
"Oooh ok."he noted, standing up as they went inside
"Yep." I said jumping up
"Hey Short stack!" I hear from behind me
"Emmet!!" I call, turning toward the man
"And you.... Sorry I don't know your name." Emmet admits to Afton

"No problem, I'm Afton." He says holding out his hand.
"Hey any friend of Will's is a friend of mine." Emmet smiles.
"We should probably get going, because I really don't want to see Edward this early in the morning." I tease
"Hahaha, alright see ya at lunch." Emmet laughs, ruffling my hair.
"Hey watch the hair dude!" I say, playfully swatting his hand away from my head,

I grab Afton and head to our first period class,
" History woo hoo." He says with no enthusiasm
"Hey. What could go wrong." I say with a smile.

{Hello my lovelies, I'm so so sorry about how long it took for this very sucky chapter. I've just had a hard time finding inspiration lately, but I promise there will be more. thank you for your patience. - 💙Axle💙}

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