(13) Some things are better off unknown

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"Hey Jasper." I say looking at him
He smiles and opens his arms for a hug, he's very hesitant because it's been a while but immediately I take the invitation,
" it was quiet without you." He says tell me
" should I take that as a compliment?" I ask him
"Definitely." He replies, letting go
As soon as he does Emmett takes this as an invitation to pick me up and spin me around the room

"Emmett!!" I giggle
" sorry I had to! It was so boring without you! I was sad I didn't have my little buddy!" He explains putting me down and ruffleing my hair
" whatever!" I say sticking my tongue out
"oh sweetie we missed you.. both of you." I hear Esme's voice say quietly, and I turned around to see her standing there with her hand over her mouth
(if vampires could cry she would be)

"Oh Esme.." I whisper,
walking over to her and giving her the biggest hug
"Come on darling.. there's plenty of time for longer hugs later." She says breaking the hug regrettably and taking my hand
" guys I'll be right back I just need to talk to Carlisle about some stuff." I explained to them
" yeah of course I mean it's not like we want to know." Emmett says sarcastically
" and you will know, at some point." I respond

And with that me and Esme walk into Carlisle's office and she shuts the door and locks it behind me
"So..." I say sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desk
"So.. i'm gonna need you to explain what they told you." Carlisle says sitting down in his chair,
Esme follows suit and sits down in the chair beside mine taking my hand again for support.
(Not that I need it..)

" and sweetheart let me just say we don't think this is a bad thing at all. I think it's absolutely wonderful that you found your person." She explains rubbing her thumb along my hand soothingly
" yes of course. It's great." Carlisle says with a lot less enthusiasm than his wife
" I get that they're like the high and mighty's, but do you have an issue with them Carlisle?" I ask him
" i'll tell you what I know after you tell me what you know." He says
" I see well then... here's what I've been told." I say as if I'm gonna give a PowerPoint presentation

{hey this is going to be a short very bad summary here we go!}

" let me start this off by saying if you want to know what happened with Bella and Edwards thing you'll have to ask them because I was kind of sort of kicked out until they were done so there's that.
But anyways, basically Marcus told Aro that I was there and all that, afterword I talked to the three of them alone Marcus explained to me that not only
am I Caius' mate, but that I'm his true mate!"

" his true mate! Those are incredibly rare are you sure?" Carlisle asks
" Marcus said so and honestly I believe him, he would have no reason to lie" I answer
" continue darling." Esme says encouragingly

"Ok, well then I kind of passed out and had a vision which let me tell you it is quite interesting but the fact that I passed out in front of three mighty vampire kings it's kind of embarrassing!" I continue

" wait you have visions like Alice?"Carlisle interrupts again
" yes.. well kind of, can you save the questions for after please." I tell him
" anyway as I was saying, had a vision and Aro was very happy to know that I have this power, he called me incredible in fact. And that was very kind if I do say so myself, anyways so basically moral of the story is, I'm the true mate of a tempered vampire king who can kill me at any second if he says the wrong words or just says he doesn't like me in general because that's how sensitive this bond is! And I've just agreed to keep in touch with him by sending weekly letters!" I finish my rant kind of out of breath

" so yes forgive me if I'm a little stressed out right now." I say
" oh sweetheart I had absolutely no idea it was like that, has it happened before?" Esme asks worried
" yes it has, and let me tell you hurt it's like something stabbed me in the heart, not a fun feeling." I explained
I look over to Carlisle's to see him writing things down in a notebook
" what's that for?" I ask him

" well I want to keep documentation just in case." He says with a reassuring smile
" OK well about the visions they mostly just happen in dreams and they're not always true sometimes there just dreams and sometimes they're the future or the past." I say
" I see... well guess it's my turn." He says closing the notebook
" yes, please I'd like that" I tell him truly desperate for more information on these Vampires

" well a very long time ago I used to work with the Volturi let's just say when I was there they weren't the most forgiving they still aren't... let me put it into perspective for you, Aro was the judge, Marcus was the jury, and Caius was the executioner..." he explains to me
"I see." I say quietly looking at the ground
" there is more if you'd like to hear it." He says
" do you know what Carlisle maybe another time she's been through a lot in the past 48 hours don't you think.."Esme asks him

" yes of course you're right, just tell me when you're ready to know and I'll tell you everything, but for right now you obviously need some rest. now I can call Charlie and you can stay here ,or one of us can drive you home?" He says getting up from his chair
" can you call Charlie I'm a bit too tired for his questions right now." I ask him
" of course." He says with a small smile picking up his phone and dialling the number

" well then come on dear, you can sleep in Alice's room." Esmay says her hand still holding mine bringing me out of the office.
I smile at her, we get to the living room and everybody's hanging out and all is calm, 'this is nice' I think to myself, but why was he called the executioner I mean there's an obvious answer but why him... why me.

"Hey Will! you good?" Emmett asks me
" yeah I'm fine." I tell him, to be honest I'm nowhere close to fine...
I feel a slight dizziness in the back of my head,
NO! Come on why here! why now!
" actually I'm not feeling too good can you help me get to the couch please." I ask him,
this time the dizziness is setting in slower than usual so I'll probably be able to make it in time.

" yeah totally of course." He says not wasting a moment and using his vampire speed to get me over to the couch in an instant.
"Thank you..." I say as I pass out.


I look around, To see a Battlefield littered with corpses... some vampire, some werewolf, I mean I knew they didn't get along, but this is slaughter..
I turn around to see more fighting behind me scanning the sea of werewolves and vampires just to make sure this wasn't a glimpse of the future,
Luckily I recognize none of them.. but I can tell that ten of them are falling each minute they are fighting.. I continue to gaze upon this sea of madness until....

" Caius..." his name falls from my lips,
But only because I am standing there watching him tear apart werewolf after werewolf....
I stare in shock unable to look away from the horror in front of me....
but the fact that he's killing them isn't even the worst part... it's that he's smiling while doing it.
"Of course, the man who I am bound to is a monster... " I mutter to myself even though no one can hear me

Almost as soon as the sentence escapes my lips my own body and makes me pay for it...

~End of vision~

I scream, waking up from that nightmare.
It's worse than before.. almost because the fact that I said it makes me feel more pain,
This time it's as though someone has reached into my chest and is squeezing my heart but not hard enough for it to break....

"Willow! Hey! Hey! It's going to be a okay!" Rose says holding me and petting my hair trying to soothe me,
And finally the hold on my heart releases...
I try to speak but no words come out,
I just push myself further into Rosalie's side
"Shhhhh. I know, I know, you're OK, you're OK." She repeats into my ear, rubbing my back softly.

I sit there with my head on her chest no heartbeat no breaths nothing...
Until I fell asleep
And honestly I'm terrified of what my life will become...

Crimson eyes (Caius volturi x Bella's sister-Twilight)Where stories live. Discover now