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Sliding his way down the roof where Santa dropped him off, Krampus wrapped his clawed fingers around the front door and, with a magical twitch of black smoke from his hand, the lock broke.

Keeping his footsteps quiet, the monster gazed upon the impressive manor. The tall ceilings, the decorations. Enjoying the pageantry.

"Holy hell, this place is sweet." Softly spoke Krampus, his hooves tapping on the hardwood floor of the kitchen.

Hearing a snore, the Christmas devil cocked his head and gazed upon a slender, blonde man sleeping away. The father of Joseph.

Shrugging, Krampus made his way up the long staircase and knocked on the bedroom door with a deep sigh. Preparing himself, flexing his muscles and clearing his throat.

Joseph's eyelids fluttered, and the teen turned on his bedside lamp. A chill was in the air. None of his windows were open.

"Hello?" He stuttered, feeling a presence in the room. Rubbing his eyes, he shook his head swiftly in disbelief. At the foot of his bed, stood a large, black mass with some sort of red trimming. With eyes that pierced the victim's soul. Maybe I'm still asleep? Maybe it's one of those weird sleep demons people talk about?

"Joseph Cooper." Spoke gruff voice. It almost sounded unhuman.

"Get out of my room! Dad! Help! SHIT!" yelled the teen, hopping out of bed. He ran for the door, but the handle was stuck in permanent stiffness. In a moment of panic, he kicked the door and belted. His toenail slammed the wall, Joseph was now curled in a ball, clutching his foot, sitting on the rug. Face red with fright, he breathed rapidly.

"I heard you did some bullying. Of your father? I heard you threw a few phones, and you broke a few hearts." Chuckled the demon, muscular arms crossed, looking down at the whimpering boy who now leaned against a wall, looking up at the beast who held powers beyond imagination.

"I didn't do any of that! You've got the wrong guy!" The toe continued to bleed under the nail, the pain didn't seem to stop.

Krampus looked at the teen's injured toe, lifted one leg, and bashed his hoofed foot into the bleeding appendage. Joseph screamed, the nail upon his toe cracked, nearly falling off. Veins popped from his neck. The stinging sensation shook his brain. Tears fell as he bent over and drooled onto the rug.

"You treated your dad like shit. You don't deserve a new phone. Say it." Kneeled Krampus to the crying teen, using a claw to grip his cheeks.


"SAY IT!" screamed the beast, spitting into the face of Joseph, showing rows of pointed teeth. Seeing the teen's face full of terror warmed the heart of the monster.

"Yes! I was bad to my dad and d... don't deserve a phone! Please God save me! PLEASE!"

"God's not here right now, fuckhead." Taking the teen with one hand, he stood. Watching Joseph squirm, the grip of Krampus was strong and used to lifting humans over his shoulder. The demon chuckled, looking into the eyes of Joseph and slammed his head into the wall with a crack, then dropped him to the floor. The back of the teen's head bled.

Krampus cleared his throat before leaving the bedroom, adjusting his coat with a proud grin.

He hoped this lesson would work. He knew Joseph would wake the next morning. But if Krampus had to visit him again, he would. Gladly.          

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