part 10

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As I got closer to the car, I held out an apple to Nico and flashed it in the air before I bit into it.

I made sure he knew the apple was delicious once I was in the car.

"Mmm... so tasty." I lied. The red Fuji apple was more sour than usual, making it almost unbearable. Nico simply rolled his eyes and looked out his window as he backed out of the driveway.

I was about to take another bite when he grabbed my apple and threw it out the window onto some random lawn he was driving by.

"NICO!" I yelled, completely baffled by what he had just done.

I smacked him across the shoulder and said, "That was my breakfast!"

"Stop unless you want me to crash," he added, doing an exaggerated swerve.

"You ruined my breakfast, and you just littered."

"It's compost." He spoke matter-of-factly. I narrowed my eyes, trying to think of a quick remark. I tried to argue his logic, but thinking about it, it was compostable.

Is this what I get for flaunting my apple?

I crossed my arms and remained silent throughout the ride. To aggravate him, I turned on the radio and changed stations. It was a battle to see what station would remain, but I eventually won.

We arrived at school, and he parked nearby. I exited the car and quickly walked inside the main entrance of the building, passing by my locker and looking down at my phone to see the time. Knowing breakfast was still being served, I rushed to the cafeteria, looking back up to see the hall filled, moving past a bunch of people. I saw Jade and her other friend walking in my direction. I watched as Jade mouthed something to her friend, and the redhead giggled and nodded. I ignored it and didn't give them much thought.

Just as I passed them, Jade bumped into me and tripped, spilling her cold coffee all over the floor and leaving blotches on my hoodie. I gasped when the coldness touched my body, and my eyes widened when I saw the enormous stain on my hoodie.

"I'm so sorry," Jade said, her cheeks beginning to flush.

"Can I help you?" She continued.

"No, no, it's fine," I said as I wiped an ice cube off my shoulder. Nothing was actually fine.

I held back my rage, sealing my lips shut to keep the flood of curse words from escaping. I darted away from the girls and rerouted my trip from the cafeteria to the closest restroom.

The wet hoodie clung to me as I walked into the girl's bathroom. I knew it would take forever to dry and would still leave a huge brown stain on it. I looked at my lilac top as I removed my gray hoodie and set it on the counter. I felt a bit exposed; the top was a little cropped, leaving my skin and arms exposed to the cold air.

I considered just wearing my hoodie, but I knew it would be uncomfortable to wear a damp hoodie. I groaned; today was not my day, and it had begun the moment I stepped into Nico's car. It started with my breakfast, which I wouldn't be able to get because breakfast had stopped serving 2 minutes ago, and now my day was only getting worse because of this spilled coffee situation.

I grabbed my hoodie from the counter and pushed the door open to exit the restroom. As I walked out, I felt eyes on me and realized they were looking at my chest, where the coffee had seeped through the hoodie and left a stain.

I walked down the hall hoping not to get dress-coded, but maybe if I did, it would work out and I'd be able to leave. But, with my luck, that was just wishful thinking. So I tried to fly under the radar.

I walked to my locker, twisting the lock and stuffing my hoodie inside.

I was about to close the door when I noticed Nico walking in my direction out of the corner of my eye. I watched as his gaze dipped down to look at me from head to toe.

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