Chapter 14

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Kakashi stayed true to his word in the weeks that followed. They started to meet up at the training ground every other Sunday, and Akira worked hard to try and learn wind style. But it did not come as easily to her as earth or water style had. In fact, she was hardly making any progress, and it frustrated her to no end. Usually, they would end up sparring for a while after a couple of hours, then getting ramen for dinner. Akira first had to cut a leaf in half using wind chakra. That had been hard enough to do on its own. Then, Kakashi started teaching her a basic wind-style move, gale palm.

After the first few sessions, Kakashi wasn't able to train her anymore due to an uptick in the number of missions he was going on, so Akira did her best to train herself. She used books from the library to study with, but it was difficult to learn.

She had been training on Sundays since it was her team's day off. Yuhi had the day off as well. The girls had still been meeting up most Sunday mornings for breakfast, and that day in particular, Akira had asked Yuhi to teach her medical ninjutsu.

"You want to learn medical ninjutsu?" Yuhi repeated.

Akira nodded. "My team already has a medic, but if I want to get into the ANBU then I figure I should learn as many skills as I can."

"Well, I can teach you some, but without proper training at the hospital you won't be able to do a lot. I can teach you how to heal minor wounds and examine a patient, but if you want to do anything major you will have to train at the hospital."

Akira couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She didn't have time to train at the hospital. But she would take the training she could get from Yuhi.

The girls made their way to the training ground, and Yuhi began to teach Akira the basics of healing. She showed her the basic healing technique first, and explained how to balance her chakra to achieve the result.

"If you don't control your chakra stream into the patient, you risk inputting too much chakra and injuring the patient further. It is a careful balance. This jutsu speeds up the body's natural healing process. It's best used in situations when a medical facility is out of reach, and works best on external wounds. Though it can be used for internal wounds as well, it just will take longer and use more of your chakra."

Akira nodded. Yuhi trapped a mouse in the field, and used a kunai to cut its little leg. It squeaked in pain and squirmed around.

"Alright, hold him still for me."

Yuhi handed Akira the mouse. She held it firmly, but not so hard as to hurt it further. It squirmed in her fingers trying to free itself. Yuhi held her hands over the mouse, and a green light began to emit from them. The chakra surrounded the mouse, and Akira watched as the cut healed itself. When Yuhi finished the jutsu she lowered her hands and smiled.

They spent that morning practicing on mice. It was a couple hours until Akira could actually heal one of them. Akira felt bad for them, especially when she almost overloaded one with chakra at one point. Thankfully her chakra control was decent enough that she was able to turn it down a notch and save it from a rather gruesome fate. The girls were deeply concentrated when they were distracted by someone else in the field.

"Hey! Akira!"

Akira stopped what she was doing and looked over her shoulder. Ranka was approaching them with a smile on his face and hand waved in greeting. Akira waved back with her own smile.

"Who's that, Akira?" Yuhi asked.

Akira turned back to face her friend, who was still holding an injured mouse in cupped hands.

"That's Ranka, he's one of my teammates." Akira held her hands out over the mouse again. Green chakra started to swirl through the air.

"One of your teammates, huh?"

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