Chapter 40

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Hey guys!

Thank you for sticking with me through the last couple of weeks, I really appreciate it! Regular updates will be returning this weekend. 

As always, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy!


"Sukea, you don't need any more books! Seriously, you don't have enough room in your pack to take all of those!"

Kakashi had a pile of books in his arms that was so tall he was peeking over the top of it at Seek, who was annoyed that they were in a third bookstore.

"You don't have to carry them, so why's it matter?"

Seek pinched the bridge of his nose and frowned. "Because it draws attention! We've talked about this!"

"Yes, but we're in a new country. I want to take advantage of the available literature."

Apparently, Kakashi was trying to start his library right then and there. Akira giggled and reached out to take half of the books out of Kakashi's arms. "I'll help carry them," she said with a smile.

Seek shook his head but didn't argue. Akira and Kakashi went to the counter where he purchased all his books. The lady loaded them into bags, and off they went through the city. Buildings towered over them, all of them much taller than any in the Leaf Village. People bustled past from place to place without care for whoever was in their way. People shouted on street corners, and vendors called out to passersby in the road. It was a very busy place, without any of the friendliness that even the Mist had had.

It was far from a shinobi village.

They spent the morning shopping and checking out the local farmers market, then moved on in the afternoon. By the time evening had fallen, the three Leaf shinobi had traveled a significant distance away from the city, and the lights and sounds no longer polluted the forest unnecessarily. Seek found another clearing far away from the road for them to camp in.

It took another two days for them to reach the border of the Land of Fire. They passed through the checkpoint with ease, then walked until the late evening before setting up camp off the road.

The relief Akira felt upon finally sitting down at the side of the fire in her own country was immense. She leaned back against a log and sighed deeply.

"Agreed," Seek said.

Kakashi sat down next to Akira. "Almost home," he said with a smile. She nodded in agreement. It finally felt like the mission was done. Seek had said that the next day they would change into their ANBU uniforms. Which meant they were only two days away from the village now.

Seek grinned and chuckled. "I can't wait to get home. I want to see my wife. I wonder if her baby bump is showing yet..." he mused. He was sitting opposite of them turning fish on a poker.

"We've been gone for weeks, I'm sure it is," Kakashi said.

Akira smiled at the thought of Seek going home to his pregnant wife and finally getting to see her again after being gone for over a month. She herself was looking forward to seeing her friends again. Ranka, Yuhi, and Guy had all been trying to get her to hang out with them for months before she'd left for the mission. It had started to get on her nerves, but now she regretted denying them her time. Guilt weighed heavily in her stomach.

"I hope Lord Third has been able to ease tensions by the time we get back. And that the Mizukage has reconsidered his refusal to cooperate with us. Without someone pouring nonsense into his head maybe he'll think clearer."

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