Chapter 35

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The twelve-day-long boat ride to the Land of Water was incredibly boring. Since they were undercover, none of them could do anything shinobi-related while on the boat. They couldn't train, they couldn't go swimming, and they couldn't even meditate to practice infusing chakra for fear of giving themselves away. Akira had brought two books in her bag that she carried, but she had read them both by the end of the first full day out on the water. All that was left was to wander the boat and talk to the other passengers.

She learned where all the other passengers were from, where they were going, and why. She had a few very animated conversations with an older couple about the different cuisines that they had tried over the years. They seemed to have been all over the world and had great things to say about the Mist Village's sushi.

"Oh the salmon is just lovely there, the way they sear it with orange juice and ginger, then put a glaze over top, and pair it with some rice? Absolutely delicious!" The old woman exclaimed.

"Yes, yes, it is. But the Anago rolls are exquisite as well, you youngins should definitely give those a try!" The old man added.

Akira thought salmon sounded good, but sea eel was pushing it a bit for her. She wasn't a fan of Calamari either.

She bid them adieu and made her way down into the hull of the ship where the room that she, Kakashi, and Seek shared was. Akira knocked politely, then entered the room and slid the door shut behind her, and kicked off her shoes.

"You know, we might actually have to go try some sushi when we get there. I keep hearing that it's really good," she said while crossing the room to sit on her bed. Kakashi's bed was next to hers. He sat against the wall reading his dumb Icha Icha book. Seek had the bed across the room from them, and was laying down on it with a cloth over his face. He wasn't throwing up as often now but still struggled with nausea.

"I don't want to even think about food right now," Seek growled. "The next person who brings up food will get a shuriken to the foot."

Akira scrunched up her nose and furrowed her eyebrows. "Why the foot? And what's got you so touchy?"

"I offered him some fruit earlier," Kakashi said. He turned a page in his book. "He didn't take that too kindly."


"Learn anything new from the old couple?"

Akira sighed. It was day five on the boat, and she had talked with them every day. Sometimes multiple times a day. "The salmon and the Anago at the Mist Village are apparently really good."

The bedsprings on Seek's bed creaked, drawing Akira's attention. She was just able to pull her foot off the floor before a kunai sank into the wood with a thunk.

"Geez!" She exclaimed. Akira reached down and pulled the knife out of the floorboard.

"I said no more talk about food!" Seek snapped.

Akira frowned. She had only been answering Kakashi's question, she didn't feel as if that warranted Seek's wrath. That had been uncalled for. And quite frankly, she thought he had been bluffing.

"You're in a mood today," Kakashi said in a low voice. He looked up from his book to raise an eyebrow at Seek. "Had I known you would be such a grouch on the boat I would've suggested we just run across the water."

Akira smirked. "We still have that option, you know. Or we could just throw him over. That'll rid us of at least one problem." She spun the kunai around her finger and then threw it at Seek. It came so close to him that it caught the cloth he had had over his face and pinned it to the wall. Seek sat bolt upright, glaring daggers at Akira. "You're not the only one who can throw kunai, you know."

Will of Fire: Kakashi HatakeΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα