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"Onyxia will always be an Autobot," Bumblebee sneered, walking up to his girlfriend's side. "Autobots aren't a species, they're a group of individuals united to fight the Decepticons. You have no right talking down to the woman that helped save your planet twice."

"It'll do you well to hold your tongue, soldier," Mearing warned him.

"Mearing, with all due respect, Onyxia is my daughter and Bumblebee is like a son to me. I do not appreciate, nor will I accept, any ill talk of them. They are both brave and selfless individuals. I would ask that you respect them," Optimus said. There was an untamed anger in his eyes that he always did well to contain in the hopes of maintaining professionalism. This was one of those moments in which he was willing to throw professionalism out the window to protect his family.

At the words of the leader of the Autobots, Mearing surrendered.

"You don't speak of a thing you see in here, Onyxia," she warned the girl.

"And you give me clearance," Onyxia added. 

"This is unnegotiable."

"I will speak of every single fucking thing I see here and I don't care if I get accused of treason. I want clearance."




"...Thank you."

Mearing stormed off without any word and with a sneer on her face. Bumblebee turned to his girlfriend slowly before they both burst into laughter.

"Yes!" Onyxia cheered victoriously. Even Optimus smiled and ruffled his daughter's hair to communicate his pride and joy.


"Will!" Onyxia said joyously as she joined both him and Mearing to watch the reawakening of Sentinel Prime, someone who she, admittedly, never liked. For a fellow Prime, he never treated her with the respect she requested from him. Always talked down to her and treated her with nothing less than a derogatory attitude...he was insufferable.

"Let us begin," Optimus spoke, taking the Matrix from his spark chamber and placing it in Sentinel's. The Prime began to shake uncontrollably before his eyes lit up and he tackled Optimus to the ground.

"Dad!" Onyxia cried with wide eyes. She sprinted down a flight of stairs to the ground floor and slammed a door open to reach her father. Lennox had followed her, equally as worried.

"There is nothing to fear," Ratchet spoke as he arrived with the rest of the Autobots.

"Get off my father!" Onyxia yelled at Sentinel, gaining the Prime's attention. 

"I'd recognise that voice anywhere..." he muttered, getting off Optimus to stare down at Onyxia. "Onyxia."

"It's Onyxia Prime to you, Sentinel Prime," she sneered at him, crossing her arms.

"Onyx?!" Sam whispered harshly from a flight of stairs opposite her. She widened her eyes as she recognised not just Sam, but his girlfriend.

Sentinel seemed to look conflicted as he looked down at Onyxia, although it was a look that she could not pinpoint. It frustrated her. He used to be so easy to read and so easy to shut down. It used to be her favourite hobby on Cybertron.

"The war..." Sentinel spoke quietly.

"The war was lost," Optimus explained as he offered a hand for Onyxia to climb on. She did so with a smile and sat on his shoulder when he lifted her there. "Cybertron is now but a barren wasteland. We have taken refuge here, on planet Earth. Its human race is our ally."

"My ship. We came under fire. The pillars. Where are the pillars?"

"You saved five of them, including the control pillar."

"Only five? We once had hundreds?" Sentinel looked exasperated at the fact.

"Excuse me, gentlemen?" Mearing interrupted the two Primes. "May I ask, what is this technology you're looking for?"

"It is the ability to reshape the universe. Together, the pillars form a space bridge. I designed, and I alone, can control it. It defies your laws of physics to transport matter through time and space," Sentinel explained to her condescendingly. At least he didn't like Mearing just as Onyxia did.

"You're talking about a teleportation device, aren't you?" Mearing asked him, seemingly piecing the pieces of the puzzle together.

"Yes," Optimus confirmed. "For resources, for refugees."

"Refugees, or troops of soldiers, weapons, maybe bombs! A means of an instant strike! That's its military function, isn't it?" Leave it to Mearing to assume the worst in things...though I suppose that's why she has the job she has. Someone's got to assume the worse in others to prepare for the worst, Onyxia thought.

"It is our technology and it must be returned," Sentinel spoke, his voice rising.

"Yes. If humans say so," Mearing sneered. "You can't just bring weapons of mass destruction into our atmosphere! You kind of have to clear customs first! A little formality called paperwork, kind of separates us from the animals."

"Get a life," Onyxia grumbled. Her father snickered.

"I will overlook your condescending tone if you heed the gravity of mine," Sentinel warned Mearing. "The Decepticons must never know the space bridge is here. For in their hands, it would mean the end of your world."

"Right. Samuel Witwicky and co., my office. Now," Mearing snapped, storming off once more.

"Care to join me for a walk, Optimus?" Sentinel asked the other Prime, who nodded. Optimus walked to Bumblebee and Onyxia gladly sat on her boyfriend's shoulder when handed to him. Her father, with a nod of goodbye, transformed into his altmode and followed Sentinel out of the building.

"Onyx!" cried the voices of Brains and Wheelie, followed by the clattering of metal. Bumblebee made whirs of discontent and shook the two off his foot.

"Oh, dear Primus," Onyxia breathed out. "Bring them up, please, Bee." Begrudgingly, the bot reached down and grabbed the two miniature Autobots and handed them to Onyxia. While she was admittedly nervous, there was a part of her that was happy to see her sparklings again.

"Hello, you two. How have you been?" she asked them both. Wheelie scoffed and Brains rolled his eyes.

"Samuel's a real pain in the ass," Wheelie sneered. "We're sleeping outside with this big brute of a dog! Complete dumbass dog nonetheless. Not a single thought goes through that brain, I swear. Just sits there and gets all the 'aws' and 'ahs' from the visitors and Samuel's girlfriend. We just sit outside and rust!!" Onyxia couldn't help the laugh that escaped her. Wheelie was still so much like himself.

"How have you been? I know you have been through a lot," Brains asked his creator, a veritable tone in his voice.

"I'm doing alright now that I'm reunited with everyone!" she replied, sparing a glance at her boyfriend's head. He was watching their interaction with great intrigue. "7 years left! Making the most of it." Her words caused a series of whirs to escape Bumblebee and he hurriedly put her and her sparklings down before leaving the room. Onyxia stared at his fading figure with a combination of confusion and shock written on her face.

"What?" she blurted out.

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