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The home of the Lennox's was visibly abandoned. It's overgrown front yard and faded paint job along with permanently empty driveways left much to one's imagination. What happened to the Lennox's?

No one knew, not even their missing children Abigail and Onyxia.

When Onyxia got out of her car, she followed Rat into the abandoned home through the doorless entry. She admired the interior with a small smile, tears gathering in her eyes as she remembered the family she made in the home. The inside was emptied long ago, but the memories were still there. Every year spent with the Lennox's was a year she loved. To see her home abandoned with no sign of her family caused her spark to ache.

"Onyxia," the voice of Abigail said from behind the femme. She turned immediately, her eyes watering at the sight of her sister healthy.

"You look like..." Onyxia began.

"I was never given six weeks to live? I know." The two embraced with a new pair of arms joining them after a few seconds.

"I'm glad to see you, Onyx," Ironhide spoke, his holoform ruffling the femme's hair. A meow from beside their feet caused the mech to glance down with a scowl. "And with vermin."

"Aw!" Abigail cooed at Rat, giving him some scratches behind his ears. It was his favourite.

"This is Rat. Found him in the trash one day and he just never left," Onyxia explained with a small smile. With an ache of her legs, she frowned, taking a seat on a wooden chair as her legs slowly shut down. Rat leapt onto her lap and curled up in a ball.

"Bumblebee's...death only accelerated my decline in health," Onyxia spoke. "I cannot stand for long periods of time in this form. I expect to die soon."

"We can help you! Right, Hide? Just like you did with me!" Abigail exclaimed, almost desperately. Onyxia's eyes widened at her sister's words. Ironhide nodded at her to confirm her suspicions.

"I gave her half my spark with the help of Ratchet before we were separated," he explained. "It's prevented her from dying from illness, but it's given her five years now."

"There's no saving me now. This body's on its last few months," Onyxia said solemnly. "My spark is done. I'm done. I've lost enough. No life left to live."

"Do you think that there's a way to extend one's life when they have a spark in a human body?" Abigail asked. Onyxia thought about it for a moment before her eyes squinted.

"Well, you have blood, unlike me. Hypothetically, lacing your blood with energon would keep your spark and body alive. It would no longer kill you nor would you run out of energon. I have no blood...but you do."

"It could work," Ironhide said with wide, hopeful eyes.

"Smart, aren't I?" Onyxia joked. "Guess being a human has its perks. I think we can save your life, Abi."

"But what about you?" Abigail whispered, her eyes watering. "I-I wanted to make up for how I never went looking for you until now and I wanted to be your sister again and have family again...but I need you for that." Onyxia nodded slowly, looking down at the ground with her lips pursed together.

"We were always sisters, Abi." With a weak sob, her sister wrapped her arms around her.

"I missed you."

"I missed you," Onyxia whispered. When they pulled away she shifted her eyes to Ironhide.

"Any news about the Autobots?" she asked him, only to get a shake of his head as a reply.

"Nada. No sign of any others. I fear we're the last ones," he spoke softly, his eyes full of hurt. "Humans...savages."

"I'm scared. I don't know what I'll do if my father's dead, too. If anyone else is dead."

"If there's anything that I know about the Autobots," Abigail began, "it's that you're all the hardest to kill sons-of-bitches I've ever met. No doubt that there's more of you out there. Don't give up. Hope is the only weapon we have left."

"You picked a strong one, Hide," Onyxia said to mech, who smiled softly and gave Abigail a kiss on the cheek. The human girl blushed a deep red and her sister grinned at the action.


The next morning, Onyxia woke up early to discuss with Ironhide the potential to give Abigail a full human life. It was relatively simple—inject energon into her bloodstream. Only issue was that they didn't have any proper medical equipment. So, obviously, they chose to instead steal equipment from a hospital. Ironhide had disguised himself as a Holden Rodeo, so they could afford to return to civilisation for this one task.

Ironhide had driven her to the nearest hospital with a still-asleep Abigail. With a simple pat on his hood, Onyxia hurried inside the building and walked into a ward to find their storage room. Only, she got distracted by the sound of a TV playing a news program.

"Texas seems to be the rumoured location of remaining Decepticons. Anyone living in that state she keep their eyes peeled and call the Government if they find anything."

Onyxia stopped in her tracks and glanced at the TV with wide eyes. She knew Cemetery Wind referred to all Autobots and Decepticons collectively, choosing to call them all Decepticons. Unfortunately, that meant following a lead like that presented a 50/50 chance of finding Autobots or Decepticons. She continued walking.

When she reached the storage room, Onyxia pushed the door only to be met with resistance. It was locked.

"Of course, it is," she sneered, choosing to look as inconspicuous as possible so that she could follow a nurse into the room. It worked, surprisingly, and she managed to slip into the room and knock the nurse out with a quiet apology. Although, the success didn't last long.

"What the—" a voice from behind cried, causing Onyxia's head to snap towards the sound. She was holding everything she needed. She just needed to get out. With that, she sprinted past the nurse and out of the ward, through the hallways that seemed to have changed from when she was entering. She was lost and the only way out was out the window, which was soon becoming the only option when she felt her legs slowly give out.

Onyxia paced beside the window, thinking through her options before she cussed and broke the window with a chair. She leapt through, flying towards Ironhide's altmode, which transformed and caught her.

"Thank you, Hide!" Onyxia breathed out shakily. "We need to go, right now." Ironhide nodded and transformed before speeding away from the crime scene.


Cemetery Wind was quick as they had soon found out when they approached the abandoned home of the Lennox's. At least twelve vehicles were waiting with soldiers surrounding them, guns at the ready to kill poor Ironhide and Abigail along with Onyxia.

Just as they did with Sam.

Onyxia was simply disgusted with them. Her feelings towards them were not complicated. They killed her family and she despised them with every fibre of her being. Simple as that. Or at least, that's what she wanted to think. Their history was much more tangled than many outsiders thought. They once stood for the same cause, but now the Autobots were betrayed by the humans all because of Attinger.

She certainly didn't vote for him.

"Fucking geniuses," Abigail snapped. "We need to go, but I don't know where now."

Onyxia thought for a moment as all the possibilities wandered around in her mind before answering.

"We go to Texas."

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