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Optimus' optics softened as he took a step towards his long-lost daughter. "It can't be. You can't be Onyxia."

"Then who else can I be, father?" Onyxia spoke softly.

"Onyxia was lost to Megatron," Bumblebee spoke. "Why did she not reach out to us otherwise?"

"Because my communications system was damaged in my fight against Megatron here on Earth. As a result, Megatron was frozen in ice and I lost the Allspark."

"Tell us something only us Autobots could know," Ironhide requested.

"My final words to Optimus and B-127," Onyxia began, reciting the very last words she spoke to her father and partner before she left them. The very words that were seared into her mind due to the great shame and remorse that day brought her. Bumblebee looked down to the ground, letting out a soft whir.

Optimus gave her a slight nod of acknowledgement before he brought her in for an embrace. The rest of the Autobots except Bumblebee joined in on embracing the lost Prime, with Jazz cheering and Ironhide and Ratchet speaking words of appreciation.

"Bumblebee?" Samuel called, gaining the attention of all Autobots.

"Twelve thousand years...finally we meet again, partner," the Autobot spoke. His optics met Onyxia's and hers widened as she recognised the bright pools of blue she had grown to admire from afar.

"B...B-127." She brought him close to her chest and held him close.

"Primus, what hasn't been happening while I've been gone? Ratchet still doesn't know social cues, Jazz still acts like a sparkling, Hide still has those old-ass cannons! You guys are so boring!" she said as she pulled away from the embrace. "I was so scared to meet you all in fear of how different we'd all be, but you all haven't changed a single bit...!"

"It's nice to be together once more," Bumblebee spoke. "That and how you're still alive after all this time."

"I wish I could say with confidence that I had protected the Allspark from the Decepticons, but I haven't seen it or heard of it for centuries. The only thing I managed to accomplish was stopping Megatron from making any progress," Onyxia explained with a hint of shame. She wished she had been strong enough to fully prevent the loss of the Allspark but it was much too late to hold onto such a regret. Twelve thousand years had passed and no Cybertronian had touched the cube, she had succeeded long enough for the Autobots to find it, although the Decepticons were hot on their trail.

They needed to find the Allspark.

"I'm sure the humans would like to hear about our history, Optimus," Onyxia said, looking at her father with anticipation. She wanted people to know about their suffering, about the sacrifices they made, about those who fought hard to bring back peace to Cybertron. Anything to keep their history alive. Listening to her suggestion, Optimus activated his hologram system and brought up a hologram of Cybertron during the war.

"Our planet was once a powerful empire, peaceful and just, until we were betrayed by Megatron, who we all know as the leader of the Decepticons. All who defied them were destroyed mercilessly. Our war finally consumed the planet, and the Allspark was lost to the stars along with Onyxia, who vowed to protect it from the Decepticons. Megatron followed them to Earth, where Captain Witwicky found him. It was an accident that intertwined our fates. He accidentally activated his navigation system. The coordinates to the cube's location on Earth were imprinted on his glasses," Optimus explained.

"How'd you know about his glasses?" Samuel asked the Prime.


"If the Decepticons find the Allspark, they will use its power to transform Earth's machines and build a new army," Ratchet added.

"And the human race will be extinguished," Optimus finished. "Sam Witwicky, you hold the key to Earth's survival."

Mikaela and Samuel both looked up at Onyxia, who scratched the back of her neck with a chuckle.

"Maybe I still have them?"

"You're kidding me," Samuel sighed.

"Oh, my bag!! Bee, do you have it?" Bumblebee perked up at the sound of his old partner using his nickname.

"I don't, Onyxia, Sam took it out," he answered, looking at the boy, who widened his eyes.

"Well, shit."


At Samuel's house, the boy was conversing with his father about chores and the lawn as Onyxia and the Autobots, in their bipedal modes, stood nearby. Bumblebee was kneeling next to the house and craned his head around the corner to look at Samuel before making motions to Optimus to stop as the Prime walked all over the lawn. Luckily, Samuel's father had left the front door.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" Samuel asked Optimus harshly, panicking as he watched him step all over the path and grass before finishing it off by completely crushing the fountain despite Samuel's pleas not to do so. Onyxia winced at the sight, not knowing that her father was such a completely reckless clutz.

"Oops, sorry, my bad," he said, lacking in regret. Samuel seemed to be on his last nerve.

"You couldn't wait for five...you couldn't wait for five minutes? I told you to just stay! Just stay! God!" the poor boy cried, running to Mikaela to scold her about not doing the one job he gave her--watching the Autobots. Out came a small creature, Samuel's dog, which began barking right beside Ironhide's foot before urinating on it.

"Mojo! Mojo! No, bad dog! Get away from the robot!" Samuel exclaimed, running to his dog as it was gently flung off of Ironhide's foot. As the boy tried to explain to Ironhide what Mojo was, Ironhide fired up his cannons and pointed them at Samuel and the dog.

"You have a rodent infestation...Shall I terminate?" Ironhide asked him.

"No, no, no, no. He's not a rodent, he's a Chihuahua. This is my chihuahua. We love chihuahuas."

"He's leaked lubricants all over my foot!" The whole scene was comical for all the Autobots uninvolved. With Samuel's panic, Ironhide having been pissed on, and Mojo just sitting in Samuel's arms without a single thought in his head, it was like something out of a comedy show.

"He peed on you? Bad Mojo! Bad Mojo!" Samuel scolded the clueless dog.

"Bad Mojo," Ironhide joined in, causing Onyxia to look at Bumblebee. She was on the verge of laughter as she witnessed the weapon specialist scold a small dog. It seemed Bumblebee could see the immense humour in the situation too as he made a few whirs that resembled a chuckle.

"I'm sorry. He's got a male dominance thing. That's all it is," Samuel finished. Ironhide walked off grumbling about how his foot was going to rust.

Samuel shushed all the Autobots near him, "Shut up and go hide!"

"Just hurry," Optimus sighed, watching as Samuel headed inside his house. "Autobots, recon."

"T-This isn't what Samuel wanted us to do. This is not hiding! Bee-!" Onyxia whispered harshly, noticing Bumblebee kneel under the patio roof and peer into the house through the window, which revealed Samuel's parents sitting on a couch.

"You-You're all stupid!" she whispered, pulling Bumblebee away from the window and leading him with her to the side of the house where Samuel's room was.

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