Reunions and Compromises

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In the Times Square of New York, the military has arrived, but things seem to be at a standstill. These metallic beings won't let anyone rescue any humans, and both sides are evenly matched. The military is waiting for them to make the first move to avoid any casualties. Kind of like a scene if some people are ready to go at each other, and someone coughs, causing a roughhouse.

News reporter(???): At this current moment, the area around the site is being cleared, yet several civilians are still hostages. *they turn to a high-ranking military official* Our military, the U.S. Armed Forces, looks like they're unable to perform a move. What is the reason?

Official(???): Too many civilians will die if we do, and none of them are allowed to be rescued.

NYC Reporter: In extra news, President Joseph P. Biden is currently making a public statement live in D.C.

D.C. Reporter(???): Thank you, {NY Reporter's Name}. I'm here live to broadcast, among other news teams, the president's statement on the issue.

At this time, people are asking him about New York and the Middle East, as well as Myanmar.

Biden: Believe me. I was surprised as well that we'd be facing something like this. Likely an alien invasion, none of us in the government ever made plans, but we will come up with something. For now, all we must do is stand together and resist this aggression. We will also meet at the United Nations to do something about these occurrences in the Middle East and Indochina as well.

D.C. Reporter: Back to you, {NY Reporter's Name}.

NY Reporter: Thanks. Now...

Some rumbling is heard from the former intersection once more.

The Wilson sisters hear this.

Nayeli: Not again.

Reporter: ...a new breaking development has occurred. *she looks at the hole* Whatever was underneath the intersection is moving once again.

As the rumblings intensify, the thing rises up, then dips to collide everything inside again. And this time, the rubble is even looser. As they collide, some metallic things rise out of the ground and push several pieces outwards, causing them to land at random places, with everyone getting to cover. Upon coming out of hiding, they see something shocking and surprising, weird metallic tentacles moving upward, having risen at a fast rate before slowing down at a few tens of feet, but still stretching upwards to a certain point.

Official: Holy...

Wilson sisters: *shocked*

The tentacles continue rising upwards, to hundreds, up to 1,615 feet, before mixing with each other to create an odd formation that looks very symmetrical and maybe artificial, yet it's still not done yet. Some things stretch outwards to the antennae of nearby skyscrapers, both the antenna and the skyscraper still being intact for all cases, and attach to them. A few seconds later, something on the underside, and close to an edge, opens up, and a straight line beam shoots downward from beneath, into the ground, likely going deep into the core, or the mantle at the very least. It seems to power the place, and some large door opens up, with the Decepticons forcing the many civilians inside. Sadly, they confusedly enter it because they have no other choice.

Yet, a few of them, while walking, think of different ideas of what to do next.

Nayeli: *grabbing Kaitlyn's hand* Kaitlyn, come on.

Kaitlyn: Okay.

The two sisters, and a few other civilians, are able to escape without ever going inside the thing, or being detected. After a while, the two keep running until they enter a parking garage. In there, some vehicle sounds are heard, yet they keep running, earning a new reason to. The two vehicles making those sounds catch up with them, and are in front of them. Not only that, they look very recognizable to Nayeli.

"Motorcyclist": Calm down, girls. We just want to speak with you.

Nayeli: You mean yourself and whoever this new friend of yours might be?

Car(Jazz): *as the holographic rider disappears* There are a lot of things the two of you don't realize.

Nayeli: Of course, I get it. There are things not worth discussing. If only you'd realize that I'd rather not risk myself or Kaitlyn, or both of us being followed by vehicles *she says as the motorcycle(Arcee) shifts to main mode* that can speak that might end up getting us killed, intentionally or not. Especially if the vehicles might be robots.

Kaitlyn: *worried for her sister* Nayeli...

Arcee: Listen. Nayeli. Kaitlyn. Our cohorts and us are worried about your safety as much as you are, and want you to come with us.

Nayeli: Huh?

Arcee: The lives of you and your friends are on the line as a result of you having ever seen us.

Car: Just come with us if you know what's good for you.

Kaitlyn: *looks at Nayeli* I'll be by your side.

Nayeli thinks about it, and sighs, feeling that she has no other choice, and agrees.

Nayeli: Okay.

Arcee switches to vehicle mode and lets Nayeli board her, with Kaitlyn doing the same and grabbing Nayeli around the midsection in case things get intense. She and the car take off, taking the girls with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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